The Trinity in Real Life

"The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
renews our mission
of living in communion with God
and all people
on the model of
the Divine Communion
[of the Trinity]."
-Pope Francis
This weekend we celebrate the Most Holy Trinity. The Trinity is the manner in which Catholics believe God is revealed to the world. God is revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three expressions or “persons” of one divine essence. The three persons of God are in perfect unity, perfect harmony, and in perfect love. God challenges us to be like this is our relationships, which flies in the face of our self-centered culture.
Friends, family, co-workers, siblings — we need one another. Like our God, it is our nature to be interactive, not isolated. John’s Gospel reminds us that just as Jesus is one with God, so we are to be unified with one another.
God wants to be in relationship with us. And, likewise, we who were created in God’s image and likeness have a deeply rooted need to be in relationship with God and one another.
The Trinity can be a model for our relationships on earth. Just as Father, Son and Spirit are joined, so we are joined together in our families. Each member of the family has a different role to play and unique talents to share, but we are all unified in holy relationship.
The Trinity reminds us that we are not to be alone in the world. In our modern world, it is very easy to stare at the computer all day or communicate with others solely via e-mail. The temptation to keep our ipod earbuds in and shut the rest of the world out is a strong one! But we, who were created in the image and likeness of the Triune God, were created for community.
The Trinity is a model relationship in a society filled with unjust systems. Because of human sinfulness, we are not always kind to one another. The ideal human community should be structured like the divine community with mutuality, fairness, equality and reciprocity among its members.
-Adapted from "The Trinity in real life: We need each other"
Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
In a world full of business, stress, and conflict, we search for peace, joy, and love. However, we cannot find nor receive those virtues from the world. We find and nurture them from within ourselves first and then share those virtues with the world. Our mind, body, and soul are made whole by the source of life, the one who is life, and the breath of life - the Triune God. Join Steve as he reflects on this weekend's scripture readings.

This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
Recent Losses in our Parish Family

Revealed Podcast
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Ruby and Res
Ruby is ready for the roses in the Lunney Family Rose Garden to bloom and for Jim to begin collecting & counting the bugs.
