During Advent,
the seven-pointed star serves as a reminder of the seven Sacraments through which God's grace shines upon us.
All About Advent
Advent is four weeks of quiet preparation for our hearts and minds in anticipation of Christ’s second coming at the end of time.
It is also the time leading up to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas.
The word ‘Advent’ means coming and this is the time that we devote to the coming of the Lord. We are reminded through the scriptures at Mass of the promise God made to send us a savior to deliver us from sin and death.
Advent is a time to slow down, regardless of what modern culture dictates. We are called to take the time to focus on allowing God to enter our hearts and minds more fully.
Advent also begins the next liturgical year. You could say the first Sunday of Advent is like New Year’s Day in the Catholic Church.
Advent Resources
Advent Events
Advent Taize Prayer
Through the singing of simply recurring refrains & chants, listening of scripture, and periods of silence, come find peace during your Advent journey.
Mondays: December 4 & 11
6:30 - 7:30 PM
Isaiah: A Prophet For Our Time
Explore through prayer, video, and discussion how the messages of the prophet Isaiah speaks to us today.
Tuesdays: November 28 - December 12
8:45 - 9:45 AM or 6:30 - 7:30 PM
Advent Reconciliation Service
Wednesday, December 6
6:30 PM
St Matthew's Church
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Thursday, December 7
6:00 PM
Friday, December 8
8:05 AM
Women’s Guild Bake Sale
This annual event of delicious treats supports the many projects sponsored by
Resurrection’s Women’s Guild.
December 9 and 10
Following All Masses
Ecumenical Christmas Sing
Join nine local church choirs in an afternoon of celebrating the season with song.
Sunday, December 10
3:00 PM
Service Saturday: Paul’s Pantry
Make a difference and help feed the hungry by serving with your parish family.
Saturday, December 16
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Chosen: Christmas Episodes
Gather together to watch and discuss
The Chosen’s two films depicting the events around the birth of Jesus.
Tuesday, December 19
6:30 PM
Advent Reflections
Advent Busy Person's Retreat
With the hustle and bustle of the season,
few of us have time to get away on retreat during Advent.
Resurrection Parish offers a Busy Person’s Retreat for those
who would like to reflect on a daily basis in the comfort of their own home.
Participants will receive a daily email featuring a portion of the daily Scripture readings,
a link to the One Word Reflection provided by Whatsoever You Do, Inc., and a reflection from Deacon Steve Meyer and his Advent resource entitled Opening To Great Joy.
As you purchase gifts, write out Christmas cards, and bake goodies,
treat yourself to some time of quiet reflection, entering fully into this season of stillness
as we Prepare the Way Differently.
One Word
Do you need more quiet and reflection this Advent?
One Word is just what you may be looking for this year.
One Word is a daily resource available from Whatsoever You Do, Inc, in collaboration with Resurrection Parish, during the Season of Advent.
Using a simplified Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading) approach, these short, ten-minute daily reflections help listeners to focus on the Gospel of the day, reflect on its meaning,
and engage in a short prayer.