The Church of the Home
It's Labor Day Weekend! Whether you are celebrating up north or relaxing at home, Labor Day is one of those holidays that has many meanings. For some, it is the last hurrah of summer. For others, it is an occasion to sleep in on a Monday morning. But for all of us, it is an opportunity to give thanks to God for the gift of work and the dignity that accompanies that gift.

Work, in any form, is more than a means to earn money or complete necessary tasks. It is another way in which we can participate in God's creation. Jesus knew first hand about what it meant to be a laborer. He was raised by a laborer, many of his disciples were laborers, and he taught parables about laborers. Jesus and the church call us to respect the importance of work and the dignity of every worker.
The Catholic Bishops of the United States have long held that the most effective way to build a just economy is to make decent work at decent wages available for all those capable of working. When the economy fails to generate sufficient jobs paying a livable wage, there is a moral obligation to protect the life and dignity of unemployed and underemployed workers and their families.
As our nation celebrates Labor Day weekend, may we be mindful of the Gospel mandate accompany and empower the poor and marginalized, advocating for policies and legislation which advance justice, defend human dignity, and protect our environment.
You can read the USCCB’s annual Labor Say statement and find additional faith-based resources and prayers at:
A Labor Day Prayer for All Workers
Loving, Working God, on this Labor Sabbath, we ask your special blessing on all people who work, either for pay or as volunteers, in jobs or at school,
in the workplace or at home, in the U.S. and around the world.
We especially pray for your blessings on workers who do not have jobs and for those whose inadequate pay does not allow them to live the full life you intend for each of us.
Creator God, help us to build a new world in the midst of the old: a world where all workers are valued a world where those who clean houses are also able to buy houses to live in a world where those who grow food can also afford to eat their fill
We pray for the coming of a world where all workers everywhere enjoy just livable wages, access to adequate health care, and retirements with dignity.
We ask these things knowing that you give us the courage and strength to live out our faith in the workplace and the marketplace, as well as in the sanctuary of our parish home. Amen
Let's check in with Fr Tom
After a long walk we all look like this!
Great marker along pilgrim journey.

My shadow sends a getting from Camino. Yes, we are still talking! Much was said in my dreams after long day walking....

Beautiful path to greet us. Finding God's beauty and peace was easy in Northern Spain.

The Cathedral of St. James in Santiago, Spain. It greets us with great anticipation and wonder. There is a treasure with all our journeys. For the second time, I walked into the Grace of church and was changed for the journey.
I am grateful!
See you soon...

Fr Tom returns tomorrow, Sunday September 5.
Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:oo on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 on Sunday, on www.gbres.org/live, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
If You Leave Your Heart Open Love Will Find Its Way In. Join Fr. Tim as he reflects on this Sunday's Scripture readings. Tear open your heart so that the Holy Spirit can fill you with wisdom, courage, and truth.
This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
Last Call for G.O.D. Registrations
Generations of Disciples begins on Wednesday, Sept. 22.
The deadline for sign up is Sept. 8th.
Middle School, High School, and Confirmation students should also register at www.gbres.org/godregistration.
Recent Losses in Our Parish Family


A man said son, “Do you know, most people don’t have to work today, because it’s Labor Day?”
He replied, “If people aren’t working, shouldn’t it be called “No-Labor Day?”

Ruby & Res
It's been a long two weeks for Ruby to be separated from Fr Tom.
Although she's had a great time having sleepovers with her friends,
Ruby is ready for her dad to return tonight.
Fr Tom will come home to a very happy and excited puppy who has been waiting patiently for his return.
