The Sport of Spirituality
Distractions bombard us daily, making it tough to concentrate. Have you ever been praying only to remember a forgotten grocery list? Or during an exercise class, have you found your mind wandering to an unanswered work email?
Distractions are a part of everyday life. However, there is an unlikely remedy to the distractions that creep into our lives, especially in relation to our spiritual life.
Pope Saint John Paul II, a well-known sports enthusiast, viewed sports as a way to grow spiritually and develop virtues crucial for the Christian journey. He once shared with a group of competitive athletes that the language of sports, with terms like selection, training, self-discipline, and perseverance, resonates with Christ's followers.
Sports, like any physical activity, teach us to live in the present moment. Achieving a perfectly placed kick or a flawless jump shot requires intense concentration. In many ways, sports echo St. Teresa of Ávila's wise words: "Let nothing distract you, let nothing frighten you." Amid the chaos of modern life, sports serve as a valuable training ground for learning to ignore distractions.
Our faith recognizes the importance of physical activity. Monks, known for their spiritual discipline, have long appreciated the benefits of focused activity. Their practice of physicality goes beyond mere chores; the repetitive tasks cultivate a meditative mindset similar to that found in sports.
With consistent practice, the virtue of focus can positively impact various aspects of our lives. Just picture smoothly sailing through your morning prayers without any distractions from your to-do list, or approaching a pile of laundry with the same determination as the final sprint of a race, or navigating your workday with the precision and expertise of a professional skater.
The advantages also extend to our Churches of the Home. By honing our focus on the court or field, we learn to be more present with our loved ones. Imagine a family dinner where everyone is genuinely engaged in conversation, rather than mentally preoccupied with pending emails.
The next time you feel scattered, don't lose hope. Put on your shoes, grab your rosary, and engage in a game of catch, a swim, or any activity that gets your heart racing. You might discover that your focus sharpens, your prayers deepen, and your family time becomes more meaningful. Remember, a clear mind is a gift. And who knows, you might even uncover a hidden athletic talent along the way.
Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
Everyone has a divine spark within them, regardless of their past. It is that spark that leads to transformation. We are called to allow that spark to grow within ourselves and to seek in others. Join Fr. Paul as he reflects on this weekend's scripture readings.
This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
Parish Lyceum
The Parish Lyceum will feature a variety of topics, guidelines, and relevant information to nurture the PIESS of our lives – physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social.
Revealed Podcast
Katie and Tony to discuss grief with Jenny Boeckman, Director at Unity Grief Services.
Gifts being collected include lotions, body wash and body spray, shampoo & conditioner, ethnic hair care, nail polish and manicure items, hair dryers, curling irons, and flat irons.
Ruby and Res
Three Young Men and a Little Lady