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Church of the Home for the Beginning of Lent 2024

Resurrection Parish Family invites you to turn toward the moments of Grace in your life during this Lenten season. Lent is a time to change directions and focus on the grace filled moments God gives us freely. We are called to reflect as a Church of the Home on our actions, seek forgiveness, and embrace the grace and love that God freely offers us. It is a time for self-examination, repentance, and renewal of our commitment to living a life of compassion and kindness.

As we journey through this season of reflection, let us be mindful of the blessings around us and strive to share God's love with others through our words and actions. Let us open our hearts to the beauty of grace-filled moments and allow them to inspire us to make a positive difference in the world.

We also look to the saints as examples of the power of embracing God's grace. Throughout the season, Resurrection will explore the lives of a few saints and how they turned toward moments of grace. As a Church of the Home, make time to learn more about the saints who have or could influence your faith journey.

Ash Wednesday brings the beginning of Lent. We gather as a community to repent and refresh our desire to live in Christ. It is a holy day of prayer and fasting that is marked by the receiving of ashes on our foreheads to remind us of our mortality and need for God's mercy.

Resurrection has planned numerous opportunities for you to experience as we gather around the Lenten Table. Learn more about all the Lenten resources Resurrection will be provided at our dedicated webpage:

Resurrection Steps of our Lenten Journey

Daily reflections by Roger Vanden Busch on the Scripture readings for Lent

We begin our daily Lenten journey with Jesus. Along the way, we go to an “out of the way” place to encounter His presence in Readings, Reality, and Prayer.

Daily Reflections :

Busy Person's Retreat

Register to receive a daily email containing a short reflection, a link to the One Word Lectio Divina video, and daily Scripture readings. A respite for busy people!


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