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Church of the Home for Saturday, September 3

Happy Labor Day

"Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person. Work, to use an image, 'anoints' us with dignity, fills us with dignity, makes us similar to God, who has worked and still works, who always acts..."

- Pope Francis, Feast of St. Joseph the Worker and World Labor Day, 5/1/13

For many Americans, the observance of Labor Day marks the end of summer. But Labor Day also provides us an opportunity to thank God for the gift of work. We look to God for assistance in providing our nation and world with work for all that is decent and fair. We also ask for God’s help in making us faithful stewards of his creation to the benefit of all humankind.

Labor Day is also an opportunity to pray for those who must work in jobs that ignore their dignity and for those who’ve lost their jobs and are seeking work at this time. Unfortunately, there are many in our community who experience unsustainable working conditions. They may encounter unfair pay, unstable working hours, discrimination, inadequate benefits, etc.

The tradition of Catholic Social Teaching states that work is a form of our continual participation in God's creation. All work is dignified and all forms of work are to be respected equally. No type of work, occupation, or job is superior to another. Thus the basic rights of all workers must be respected: the right to productive work, decent and fair wages, the organization and joining of unions, private property, and economic initiative.

Ways to Celebrate the Dignity of Work on Labor Day


Here are some suggestions for how your Church of the Home might make Labor Day a little more meaningful:

  • Check out the U.S. Catholic bishops’ Labor Day statement and educational materials. Every year, the U.S. Catholic bishops issue a statement.

  • Make a saint table for your BBQ. Look up the patron saints of work and workers and either draw or print out pictures of them to honor their contribution to our appreciation of work. When you say grace, thank God for their good example.

  • Write thank you cards and bake cookies for some of the workers you appreciate. Who works harder than sanitation engineers, road crews, landscapers, farmers, police officers, and first responders? Think about the people who do the jobs that keep your life comfortable, and take some time to thank them.

  • Commit to a service project as a family to help those who are suffering from unemployment or underemployment. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, thin out your closet (you probably just got some new school clothes) and donate to a thrift shop or other charity, make comfort kits for the homeless and donate them to your outreach (like Catholic Charities or Whatsoever You Do).

  • Ask your congressman or local government officials what you can do. Catholic Social Teaching tells us that we have to participate in the political process. Find out how you can do this on a local and practical level.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Jesus invites us to hate the limitations of ourselves and our human relationships. Once we acknowledge and hate those limitations, we can then rely more on Jesus. Join Fr Tim as he reflects on this weekend's scripture readings.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


EPH Partnership Church Update

Community Impact

Thank you so much for your continued partnership and support of EPH! Your prayers, volunteer hours, and financial contributions are helping families experiencing homelessness reach self-sufficiency. Here are a few highlights of what your support has helped accomplish so far this year:

• 30 families, including 83 children, are currently living in EPH homes and participating in case management to help them become self-sufficient.

• 10 families have successfully completed our transitional or long-term supportive housing program.

• 8 families have received financial assistance and case management services to help them remain in their own home (outside of EPH housing) through our eviction prevention program.

Volunteer Orientation

Join us on Tuesday, September 13th from 4:00pm-5:30pm to learn more about volunteer opportunities at EPH! Come meet our team, find out more about what we do, and see how you can help make a difference for families facing homelessness in our community. Please RSVP to Wendy by September 8th at or 920-676-3779.

Wish List

Our updated wish list is below. If you would like to donate items, please contact us at 920-676-3779 to arrange to drop off or pick up. Thank you!

• First Aid Kits

• Laundry Baskets

• Landry Detergent

• 13 Gallon Garbage Bags

• Magic Erasers

• Toilet Bowl Cleaner

• Liquid Cleaner

• Liquid Hand Soap

• Mattress Pads – Twin & Full

• New Pillows (Standard Size)


P.O. Box 524

Green Bay, WI 54305


Earlier this year, Resurrection helped sponsor Megan Berndt's mission trip to Yucatan, Mexico. She put together a newsletter from her trip to show all of the amazing things she was able to do and see while in Mexico this summer.





Did you hear the joke

about Labor Day?

It doesn’t work for me!


Ruby and Res

Ruby is in deep contemplation about the end of summer.

How will she chase the rabbits and squirrels once they begin hibernating?


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