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Church of the Home for Saturday, October 28

Autumn Triduum

The Autumn Triduum falls upon us again. Next week we celebrate three days on the church calendar which calls us to remember those that have gone before us: All Hallow's Eve, All Saints Day, and the Commemoration of All the Faithfully Departed (All Souls Day).

Many of the typical Halloween traditions are actually Catholic customs from around the world. Dressing up for Halloween comes from the French; Jack-o-Lanterns come from the Irish, who originally carved turnips; the English begged from door to door for “Soul Cakes,” promising to pray for the departed loved ones of those who gave them these treats—this being the origin of trick-or-treating.

On Wednesday, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. We remember those who have gone before us in faith, those famous and canonized saints but also those we've known personally who may never be officially declared a saint. This is an opportunity to remember those who have shaped our lives in faith and have guided us along our spiritual journey.

On All Souls Day, we remember and pray for all those who have died and are in purgatory. Souls in purgatory "have not yet been purified" in order to enter heaven. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a tradition that originated in Mexico, combines the religious aspects of All Saints and All Souls days with cultural traditions of honoring the dead. It is considered a national holiday and is celebrated from midnight Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 with the custom of "building private altars at the tomb of loved ones where families can bring the deceased person’s favorite foods, drinks, flowers, and mementos." A common symbol is the skull, which symbolizes death and rebirth.

Celebrate the Autumn Triduum as a Church of the Home

  • Watch Disney's "Coco" as a Church of the Home

  • Carve pumpkins with symbols related to our faith

  • Thank the saints for what they have done for you on All Saints Day. Pray for the intercession of the saints in heaven—especially those who are your patrons. Don't know who your patrons are, research as a Church of the Home to discover the saints named as a protector in the various areas of your lives.

  • Visit, clean, and decorate the graves of your loved ones. The Polish have a beautiful tradition that your Church of the Home could include.


Resurrection Staff Change

After much prayer and contemplation, Mary has decided to ‘spend more time with Roger’, her husband. Mary has been working two positions, Business Manager and Youth Coordinator which includes middle school, high school and our Confirmation program. On November 1, Mary will no longer be our business manager but will remain as our Youth Coordinator. Mary loves our young people and will be able to love them even more!!!

Thank you Mary for your dedication in keeping our parish office running smoothly and efficiently. You will continue to be a great asset to our parish team.

On November 1, Deacon Kevin DeCleene will transition to the Business Manager position while continuing to own pastoral care and vibrant parish initiatives.

Thank you to the entire staff for their ongoing dedication to keep our parish growing into the future.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person

at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Can a love triangle be a good thing? Jesus calls us to enter into a love triangle through the teaching of the Two Greatest Commandments of loving God and neighbor. But who is the third entity we are called to love, beyond God and neighbor? Join Fr Tim as he reflects on this weekend's scripture readings.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Parish Lyceum

The Parish Lyceum will feature a variety of topics, guidelines, and relevant information to nurture the PIESS of our lives – physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social.

Katie and Tony reflect on the hit song "Need a Favor" by Jelly Roll as suggested by listener Sally.

Newest Members in Our Parish Family of Faith



The festivities include a live auction with celebrity auctioneer Bill Jartz from WBAY, silent auction, cash raffle and live music from the NEW Dueling Pianos.

Appetizers and drinks are included with ticket purchase.

Purchase tickets after any weekend Mass or at

Items requested:

Cake Mixes

Canned Frosting

Medium-sized Birthday Bags

Blank Birthday Cards

Disposable Cake Pans

Birthday Candles

Party Hats


Mini Stuffed Animals

Small Toys


Ruby and Res

How about Sister Ruby for Halloween?

There isn't a Saint Ruby yet, but there is a Saint Roch - who just happens to be the patron saint of....dogs!!!



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