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Church of the Home for Saturday, May 20

Updated: May 21, 2023

The Ascension

While in heaven he is also with us;

and we while on earth are with him.

He is here with us by his divinity, his power and his love.

We cannot be in heaven, as he is on earth, by divinity,

but in him, we can be there by love.

-St. Augustine

Through his resurrection and ascension into Heaven, Christ is here with us on earth by his divinity and we are in Heaven with him by his love. This is what we celebrate this weekend of the Ascension of the Lord.

Forty days after Easter, Jesus commissioned the disciples to go to all the nations and preach the Gospel. He then ascended into Heaven - his earthly, three-year ministry ended and ours began. This act of ascension made way for the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, which we will celebrate next weekend.

6 Easy Ideas for an Ascension Day Celebration from

1. A dinnertime idea: Historically, Ascension Day has been a feast day in the church. Consider making something special for dinner to surprise your family. Or create an easy pavlova, meringues, or another cloud-like dessert to celebrate the Ascension—and how Jesus will return. Here are a few verses to read as a family so everyone can participate in learning more and talking together about this significant event:

  • Mark 16:19: According to this verse, where is Jesus? Who is He near and why is that important to us?

  • Hebrews 7:25: What does this tell us Jesus is doing now in heaven?

  • John 14:1-3: What else is Jesus doing? Talk about what kind of places and rooms these might be.

2. A bedtime idea: For bedtime conversation (or any time that day) ask your kids to imagine what it must have been like to watch Jesus rise off the ground, into the air and then disappear in a cloud. Read Acts 1:6-9 together to hear what actually happened.

3. An outside idea. If it’s not raining go outside, throw a quilt or blanket on the ground, and tell everyone to lay on their backs to look up at the sky and clouds together. Read Acts 1:11, then together imagine Jesus returning on one of the fluffiest clouds you can see. I bet some kids will try to see Him!

4. An inside idea. Or if weather doesn’t permit, read the same verse and then have your kids, even teens, draw and color pictures of what they imagine they will see when Jesus returns on the clouds! Hang all the drawings in your kitchen or another prominent place for visual reminders in the days to come that He promised to return. And one day He will!

5. An idea for teens: With older kids try to discuss how our lives should be different because Jesus was here with us. Ask them what they imagine it was like for the disciples after the Resurrection. Did they live as if Jesus had never come? What evidences should be obvious to us and to others that He once lived among us and is forever present with us? He promised His presence in Matthew 28:20: “Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus is closer to us every moment of every day than any other human can ever be!

6. A family idea: Buy some helium biodegradable balloons for the special day. Enjoy their happy presence all day. Then in late afternoon or early evening before the sun sets, take the balloons outside, read the story of Jesus’ ascension in Acts 1:6-11, write a note or message to Jesus on your balloon and then together release them. Watch them disappear into the sky and imagine His disciples watching Jesus ascend to Heaven.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in the U.S. since 1949. Every year during the month of May, there is a national movement to raise awareness about mental health - fighting stigma, providing support, educating the public and advocating for policies that support the millions of people in the U.S. affected by mental illness.

It's okay to ask for help. Resurrection is committed to ensuring you have the support you need when you need it. While we are unable to directly help in every situation, Resurrection has compiled a list of resources, hotlines, and helplines which may help you in whatever situation you are facing.

Jesus attended to the needs of all people, regardless of the person or the need.

Following Jesus' example and the Works of Mercy within our faith, especially to comfort the afflicted, we are called to help all God's people in their time of need.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



When we receive upsetting words which leave us feeling abandoned and hopeless, Jesus spoke the words that we need to hear. In all situations, good and bad, Jesus tells us "I will be with you always, until the end of the age." We are not alone, abandoned, or left orphaned - God is always with us, no matter what.

Join Tony as he reflects on this weekend's Gospel.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Recent Loss in our Family in Faith


Living With Real Presence

In Our Community:

A Morning of Res On Mission

Join parishioners of all ages in prayer and service on

Saturday, June 10

9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

Following a Eucharistic Procession to all four corners of the Resurrection Parish property, teams of people will engage in service throughout the community. How do you get started?

Please complete the following short form either online or by emailing the information to by June 1.

For more information,

please contact Tony Pichler in the Parish Office.

We are the Body of Christ! Onune 10 we will be a visible presence of this reality to the Greater Green Bay Community!


Have You Shared Your Thoughts Yet?

The Journeying To Emmaus With Real Presence Listening Process

We are on a journey as a parish community throughout the Easter Season, listening to the hopes and dreams of every parishioner.

Take a moment to share your thoughts through a short survey and/or a SWOT method that identifies the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that are present in our parish community at this time.

Thank you for being on the journey!


Revealed Podcast

Jeopardy Champion and St. Norbert College Philosophy Professor join Katie and Tony to discuss his success as a game show contestant and teacher.

Listen as Ben explains how his experiences shaped him and where he sees the sacredness in his life.




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