Welcoming All to the Table

Embracing practices that spark joy
As Lent draws closer to an end, the joy that comes with Easter is quickly approaching. We ask ourselves of that impending emotion: What sparks joy?
But what exactly is joy? We experience many moments of joy: the birth of a child, a wedding, a moment of peace in a hectic day, feeling God’s presence. Yet these moments are often hard to grasp, and may dissipate as the reality of life presses in.
True joy is a gift from God to give us this deeper sense of contentment and realities to life, such as the reality that a loving God has created us and placed us here, has endowed us with certain gifts, and has given us a deeper understanding of God in our lives through the Spirit, the Church, our traditions, and the scriptures. People of joy are grounded in these deeper realities, they can approach almost any situation with a sense of balance, hope, acceptance and understanding that God is with them and will support them in this situation and beyond.
Scripture reveals Christ as a person of joy, despite being a refugee, poor, homeless, hungry, tired and pursued at all hours of the day and night by those who sought healing. At the Last Supper, Jesus referred to his own joy, even as he shared his final words of love and teaching with his apostles: “These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” John 15:11
In this weekend's gospel, Martha and Mary’s tears of sorrow change to joy when Jesus raises their brother Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus' life is restored but more importantly, Martha and Mary understand Jesus' promise of eternal life to all who believe in Jesus.
Reflect and discuss as a Church of the Home:
When have you felt joy in your relationship with God?
What can you do to add or maintain joy in your relationship with God
Martha experiences many emotions over the death of Lazarus, including sadness and anger at Jesus. Have you lost someone dear to you? What emotions did you experience?
Martha and Mary were overwhelmed with joy when Jesus raises their brother from the dead. What sparks joy for you? What steals your joy today?
What are ways your Church of the Home can grow in joyfulness
and share that joy with those around you?
Here are a few ways to grow in joy:
Resist Complaining
Count your blessings
Read scripture or spiritual writings
Live in the moment - don't worry about the past or be anxious about the future
Stay close to God through prayer and the sacraments.
Here are a few ways to share your joy with others:
Share a smile—turn your frown upside down today.
Encourage someone who is having a hard day.
Practice random acts of kindness.
Help an elderly neighbor in need.
Strike up a conversation with a stranger—a friend you haven’t yet met.
Write a note to someone who inspires you to practice your faith.
What are ways your Church of the Home can grow in joyfulness
and share that joy with those around you?
Resurrection has planned numerous opportunities for you to experience as we gather around the Lenten Table. Learn more about all the Lenten resources Resurrection will be provided at our dedicated webpage:

On our daily Lenten journey with Jesus, we go to an “out of the way” place to encounter His presence in Scriptures, Haikus, Reality, and Prayer.
Daily Reflections by Roger Vanden Busch:
Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:oo on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 on Sunday, on www.gbres.org/live, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
"Loose the cords of mistakes binding us,
as we release the strands we hold of others’ guilt."
We are bound by many physical, emotional, and spiritual hurts that bind us. Through forgiveness and reconciliation, we can be freed and led into newness. Jesus freed Lazarus from the burial bands and frees us from the bands of mistakes and broken relationships. Join Sr Marla as she reflects on this weekend's gospel.
Resurrection Parish Core Value Reflections
Prayer Service/Compassionate Action Sharing/Sacrificial Love Hospitality Learning Gratitude Resurrection's core values are what we believe. Roger Vanden Busch has written reflections on each of Resurrection's core values.

This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
March Town Hall
This past Wednesday, Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA joined the monthly Town Hall series to discuss What Scripture Says About Our Violent World.
Sr. Diane Bergant, CSA, distinguished professor emerita of Old Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and world-renowned author and lecturer, will discuss this important topic.
Revealed Podcast

Episode 14 Now Available!
Andrea Pasqualucci joins Katie and Tony to share her spiritual journey through life, including her work as a school social worker at Ashwaubenon and the changes she's experienced within her family and faith life.

Ruby and Res
Ruby found the first flowers of spring last week!
Too bad they're covered in snow today.
