Lenten Mission to Okolona
This past week eight people departed from Resurrection to make the 13-hour trek to Okolona, Mississippi. Plenty of tasks were accomplished, chief among them being:
the construction of an awning in front of the Excel, Inc. One of a Kind Thrift Shop
repair of a ceiling in the kitchen, repair of doors, and installation of a floor in the laundry all at the Elizabeth House Women’s Shelter
flooring repair in Excel Commons among other painting and fix-up projects.
Sr. Liz and Sr. Nancy oversaw our work as usual. And the evenings brought shared meals with Srs. Liz, Nancy, Mary Beth, Jean, and Nancy, along with the team.
Yet, two occurrences highlighted the week beyond the work and repairs. Both were all about relationships. First, a man named Anthony was walking past the awning construction project and offered to help. For two days Anthony worked alongside Kevin, Dawn, and Tom to construct a first-class awning, the best looking one in Okolona. On Wednesday night, two women from Elizabeth House, Natasha and Charlotte, joined the team as well as the sisters for pizza. Stories were shared, highlighted by a “Guessing of the Age” game instituted by Charlotte. Many laughs were had by all! Both occurrences showed once again that there are no Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, woman nor man, no us and them in the Kindom of God. All are brothers and sisters in the Christ.
Many thanks to those who donated toward the work of Excel, Inc. recently. The team was able to present the Sisters with a check for $1,500 as well as a number of gift cards from The Tree of Giving program this past Advent Season. The relationship with Okolona continues, that is for sure! A new year waits for the Sisters to dream up and recognize new needs in helping the people in Okolona through the challenges of poverty and racism that run rampant in that area. Resurrection Parish will continue to make the journey with them in making this happen.
Lastly, thanks to the team who made the sacrifice to make the journey and put in long days of blood, sweat, and tears (mostly Tony’s after a ceiling that gave him fits!) They include: Dawn Murphy, Marsha Brabant, Debbie Ruggles, Tom Heiman, Katie McAllister, Kevin DeCleene, JoDee DeCleene, and Tony Pichler.
How can your Church of the Home live out missionary work, especially during this Lenten season of turning toward the moments of grace? Here are just a few ideas for your Church of the Home:
1. Sew pillowcase dresses together for Dress a Girl Around the World.
This ministry collects handmade pillowcase dresses and distributes them to impoverished girls. Even the most novice of seamstresses can sew a pillowcase dress, and your daughters will enjoy learning how to sew for others. Pray over each dress before sending them off, asking the Lord to use the physical need you are meeting as an open door to share the gospel. Learn more at https://www.dressagirlaroundtheworld.com/
2. Minister to nursing home residents together.
Whether your children are young and can do nothing more than make cards, or if they are old enough to play games with the elderly, a visit to your local nursing home can prove a blessing to the sick and often-forgotten of your community.
3. Make bookmarks with encouraging messages and donate to a local library.
Many of our homeless brothers and sisters visit the Brown County Central Library during the day. Brighten their day by making bookmarks that they can take while at the library. Drop off the bookmarks at the library.
4. Incorporate Family Mission on Family Vacation.
Before you head out on the road (or in the sky) to your vacation destination, a little bit of planning is all it will take to make the most of your trip and teach your child that we can live the missions lifestyle everywhere we go! Ideas to plan include packing a few blessing bags to hand out while on vacation. Include Bible verses, sunscreen, snacks, or other appropriate items. Or find a local church at your destination and contact them. Ask if there is a volunteer opportunity for your family.
Resurrection Steps of our Lenten Journey
Daily reflections by Roger Vanden Busch on the Scripture readings for Lent
We begin our daily Lenten journey with Jesus. Along the way, we go to an “out of the way” place to encounter His presence in Readings, Reality, and Prayer.
Daily Reflections :

Join us for Mass at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, or on www.gbres.org/live, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
In embracing the reality of death and the cross, our perspective is transformed. Lent is an opportunity for us to gain this new perspective and understanding. Join Fr. Tim as he reflects on this weekend's scripture readings.
Auditio Divina
Drawing upon the steps of Lectio Divina, Auditio Divina brings this ancient prayer practice into today’s world. It breaks open the lyrics of modern songs to help individuals listen with heart.
Katie and Tony break open the song "I Can See Clearly Now" by Jimmy Cliff for the Third Sunday of Lent.
Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)

Parish Lyceum
The Parish Lyceum will feature a variety of topics, guidelines, and relevant information to nurture the PIESS of our lives – physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social.
Loss in our Parish Family


Ruby & Res
Ever wonder what a kiss from Ruby looks like? Here you go, minus her slobber.

Wonderful pictures!God bless all of you special for all of your hard work! Prayers for you all week!