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Church of the Home for Saturday, June 25

Updated: Jun 26, 2022

World Meeting of Families 2022

In Susan's bulletin article this weekend, she notes that the World Meeting of Families began this week in Rome.

Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, the World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families.

The theme this year is “Family love: a vocation and a path to holiness.”

All families of every shape, size, age, and stage are answering a call to a vocation - a living expression of commitment to God. It is through living a vocation that holiness is achieved.

Holiness is for everyone, especially families. The family is an ordinary and attainable way to holiness. The Second Vatican Council reminded the world that holiness wasn’t just for missionaries, martyrs, priests, or religious. It was for moms, dads, and kids too!

At the beginning of time, God created certain practices to help families be healthy and holy. A new Catholic resource called CatholicHOM: Households on Mission offers an online community that supports families at every age and stage to become an even more loving, connected, and caring family. They have developed three rites they call the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life

  • Rite of Christian Relationship: learning to love and cherish each other the way Christ does.

  • Rite of Family Rituals: building strong connections in how we work, talk, pray, and play together.

  • Rite of Reaching Out: taking good care of one another and blessing others through our time, talent, and treasure.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Being a disciple and walking with Jesus is not always easy. But through perseverance, we can respond with a "Yes" to Jesus' invitation to "Follow Me."

Join Fr. Paul as he reflects on this Sunday's Scripture readings.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Confirmation Pen Pal Project

As part of their sacramental prep, this year's Confirmation students participated in the PenPal Schools project. Students connected with PenPals from across the world to create original projects. The goal is to build global awareness and collaboration skills by facilitating authentic, cross-cultural experiences. Each project stems from the student's understanding of Catholic Social Teaching.

This week's video is from Maddy Rose.

Last Week's Video from Elle Ruggles


Stewardship Talk for June 2022:

Katie Gast


EPH Update

The Ecumenical Partnership for Housing has a couple of homes that do not have a group or church that partner in the turnovers. If you know of any groups or churches that would be interested in partnering with EPH and joining a loving community of volunteers, please have them contact Wendy Nasgovitz at or 920-676-3779.

Current Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Help cleaning at the 1725 Barnabas home for the family to move in next week if possible.

  • Harvey home has multiple opportunities– touch up paint, clean interior home, power wash siding, cut grass (until a family moves in), trim bushes

  • Looking for volunteers on Wednesday, July 20th and 27th to work on the fence around the Isaiah property. If you have time on these days to help let me know.

  • Sandboxes -weeds pulled and refilled with sand.

Contact Wendy Nasgovitz at or 920-676-3779 if you can help.



Resurrection's very own Tony Pichler and Katie McAllister will be the MCs!

Plan to join them and support an important cause!

Bucket List opportunity?

Have you ever felt a spiritual voice saying, “come walk the ground Jesus walked,” breathe life into the Gospels by experiencing the Holy Land?

Deacon Kevin and his wife JoDee have openings for 7 couples or 14 singles

to join their small group visiting the Holy Land in October.

If interested in more information contact the parish office or email Deacon Kevin at




Ruby and Res

Are we there yet?

It's Roadtripper Ruby!


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