Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

The feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi, is celebrated this weekend. We honor Christ's Presence in the Holy Eucharist, which is the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Second Vatican Council, Lumen gentium, no. 11).
In the Eucharist, Jesus re-presents his sacrifice on Calvary for our benefit, gives himself to us in Holy Communion, and remains among us until the end of time. He comes to us in this humble form, making himself vulnerable, out of love for each one of us.
“Every year the feast of Corpus Christi invites us to renew the wonder and joy for this wonderful gift of the Lord, which is the Eucharist.” - Pope Francis
The Holy Eucharist is the greatest of the seven sacraments. We believe that Jesus is truly and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine. Christ is not merely symbolized by the bread and wine. These two physical items, bread and wine, are completely changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, leaving behind only their realistic appearance. Through the words of consecration at Mass, Jesus is present sacramentally - Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity - without ceasing to be present in heaven.
Sunday also begins the National Eucharistic Revival. This is a three-year initiative that aims to inspire, educate, and unite. The revival is meant to show everyone what wonders the True Presence of Jesus can do to heal the soul.
See the location, according to tradition, where the miracle of the multiplication of the five loaves and two fish took place.
Happy Father's Day
Resurrection celebrates all fathers and father figures this weekend.
Fathers are called in a special way to reflect God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Similar to the way our heavenly Father cares for us, our earthly fathers are there to help us navigate life’s challenges and pick us up when we fall.
God the Father gave up his only Son, Jesus Christ, so that we might be saved through him. He provides an example of the very vocation of fatherhood. Fathers are to sacrifice their lives for their families.
They do this by: • Being the spiritual leaders and guardians of their families. • Praying for and with their families. • Being a courageous witness to the Gospel. • Providing care and support for their families. • Serving as an example of goodness and truth. • Leading with courage and accountability. • Laying down one’s life for the other.
Today, in a special way, let us be grateful for: • Our fathers, by birth or adoption, who love us and support us through life. • Our priests and bishops who act as spiritual fathers. • God our Father, who will always teach justly and grant us boundless mercy.
Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
What are we called to do when Jesus says "Do this in memory of me" at the institution of the Eucharist? Join Tony as he reflects on the Body and Blood of Christ and this weekend's scripture readings.

This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
Gauging the Spiritual Health
and Wellbeing of Our Community
A growing body of research substantiates the direct relationship between life satisfaction and spiritual well-being. This doesn’t surprise most of us. Yet as communities measure and index quality of life, spiritual health and wellness are not included among the set of key indicators.
Whatsoever You Do, Inc., in collaboration with Resurrection Parish and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, has launched an initiative to study this dimension in Northeast Wisconsin and engage people in conversation around the topic. We need to hear from you! A short three-minute survey is followed by an optional longer, fifteen-minute survey. Then, an in-person focus group opportunity at the Whatsoever You Do House of Hospitality will be available, again for those who opt-in.
Resurrection Parish will also sponsor conversations on these topics of spiritual health, as it links to the Pope’s call for synod conversations, later in June and July. More information will follow about those opportunities.
Complete the survey at
Newest Members Baptized into Our Parish Family

Recent Loss in our Parish Family


Bucket List opportunity?
Have you ever felt a spiritual voice saying, “come walk the ground Jesus walked,” breathe life into the Gospels by experiencing the Holy Land?
Deacon Kevin and his wife JoDee have openings for 7 couples or 14 singles
to join their small group visiting the Holy Land in October.
If interested in more information contact the parish office or email Deacon Kevin at

Ruby and Res
Ruby wishes a Happy Father's Day to all fathers, especially her dad. (This photo may be a few months old but it truly captures Fr Tom's love for Ruby!)
