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Church of the Home for Saturday, July 8

Five Ideas to Strengthen Your Relationships During the Summer

"In this period, students are free from scholastic duties and many families are taking their vacation; it's important that in the time of rest and detachment from daily concerns, they can re-energize the forces of body and spirit, deepening their spiritual path."

Pope Francis

The blessings of summer bring about a change in the way we practice our everyday life. The warmer weather lifts our mood and encourages us to relax more. More hours of daylight means more fun and outdoor activities. We tend to relax and enjoy extra time with family and friends. Summer can be a blessed time to strengthen the relationships in your life and seek out the support you need in your faith life.

Practice ‘Friendship Friday’

If you’re looking for a practical way to build authentic community and friendships, make Friday about friends. Begin by making an effort to text, call, or pray for a friend and plan some time with those people God has placed in your life. Great friends are an excellent support system for the rest of your life.

Host a Patio Party with Purpose

Consider setting a date to have people over to your house and allow it to be an opportunity to grow in faith. Hosting parties are a fantastic way to bring friends, prayer groups, and your church community together revolving around fellowship and faith.

Meeting in homes, rather than restaurants, is usually much less expensive and more relaxing for discussing topics like our faith. If you want to keep it low-pressure and budget-friendly, consider hosting a “Holy Spirit potluck,” which means you don’t plan out entrees, snacks, and desserts, rather you just say “Bring something fun to share” and leave it up to the Holy Spirit to work out the details.

Join or Begin a Faith-Sharing Book Club

Attending a faith-sharing group can be a beautiful experience to cultivate friendships and grow in your faith. Book clubs and faith-sharing groups are lovely excuses to get together with others. When friends gather together around a good book, memories are made and lives are changed.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." Christ is united with us in our burdens. He walks with us when we are burdened. We are not alone along the journey. Join Fr Paul as he reflects on this weekend's gospel.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)




Ruby and Res

Don't be like Ruby and try to sneak in your summer fun.

Be straightforward in "keeping God in your Summer Fun!"


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