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Church of the Home for Saturday, July 30

What's with the Pineapples?

Have you noticed a few pineapples have been popping up around Resurrection?

Beyond being a refreshing, delicious fruit, pineapples symbolize friendship, hospitality, and generosity. Early American families times would hang pineapples outside their homes to welcome friends and guests.

Pineapples were so rare, people used to display them for as long as possible — usually until the fruits began to go bad — before actually eating them. If someone served their guests pineapple as part of a dinner or dessert course, it was considered a stunning act of generosity.

In addition, pineapples were also seen as a symbol of Christianity. In early history, pineapples outside a house meant that the family inside were Christians.

Resurrection is committed to creating a welcoming parish family where faith, friendship, hospitality, and love can flourish. We encourage your Church of the Home to do the same.

How can your home become more welcoming and hospitable?

What symbols represent your Church of the Home?


Resurrection Welcomes Deacon Kevin DeCleene to our Parish Family


Resurrection supports the mission of all! Last week, we were made aware of Samaritan's Heart Mission Church's effort to collect school supplies for local children. However, they are in need of an extra boost of support.

Between now and August 7, Resurrection is collecting supplies for 450 elementary students attending Tank and Fort Howard schools. These two schools have traditionally been some of the most impoverished in the Green Bay School District.

Donations can be monetary or needed items. Collection boxes are located at all church entrances and at Door #9 (Parish office door.)

  • Wide-Ruled Notebooks

  • Expo Dry Erase Markers (Black and 4 Color Packs)

  • Colored Pencils

  • Pencils

  • Pencil Cases

  • Post-It Notes

  • Reusable Water Bottles.


Kitchen Raiders

Resurrection parishioners, a.k.a. Kitchen Raiders, prepare and serve a meal once a month at the NEW Community Shelter. Over 200 children and adults in need of a meal participate in the Community Meal Program, which is offered 365 evenings a year. Resurrection Parish pays for the ingredients for the meal.

Please keep these children and adults in your prayers.

For more information about Kitchen Raiders,

contact Kris Fry, Resurrection parishioner, (920) 676-1753.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Do we view our wealth and possessions as objects meant just for us?

Or do we see them as a means to assist those who do not have enough?

Do we live in a world of scarcity?

Or one of abundance where there is always enough?

Join Tony Pichler as he reflects on the lessons of the readings given to us from this Sunday's Scriptures.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Welcome to the Newest Members Baptized into our Parish Family


Recent Losses to our Parish Family



Invitations were sent late last week. If you do not receive your invite by the end of this week, please contact the parish office.



You may think I'm odd

for eating ham and pineapple sandwiches all the time.

But hey...that's just Hawaii roll.


Ruby and Res

Ruby was thrilled to help Susan give books out to children yesterday at the StreetLights Outreach Block Party at Seymour Park.


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