Res For Life
Resurrection is dedicated to supporting all life, from womb to tomb, from those in the center of society to those on the margins. Our faith calls us to protect the dignity of all human persons. Everyone's life is sacred, whether it's the child just conceived or the 103-year-old taking their last breath, and everyone in between. We are all made in the image of God no matter which life journey we are traveling down, regardless of the decisions we've made or the abilities and limitations we have.
Resurrection is committed to upholding all life, all the time. This is not a one-time campaign or an idea that comes up once in a while. We want to support all life for our entire life. We send out the call to join Res for Life.
Create an action plan as a Church of the Home that will support life. Reflect, discuss, and write down ways you will uphold all life.
What issues in today's world threaten the protection of life? Which of those issues affect you the greatest or do you feel the most passionately about?
What actions can your Church of the Home support Life for life? Examples:
Advocate for public policies that respect human life from conception through natural death.
Stop conversations that are prejudicial (re: differences, diversity, racial, ethnic, and religious.)
As a family, cook a meal or bake for a loca homeless shelter or a friend in need; or serve a meal at a soup kitchen together.
Model and teach your children respect for the elderly, developmentally disabled, mentally ill, and physically disabled.
Volunteer to visit or work with the elderly, homeless, survivors of domestic violence, those suffering from substance abuse.
Work towards suicide awareness and prevention
Monday, January 23rd, is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. This day is to meant to join all our voices in prayer for those children within their mother's womb. There remain many instances in which unborn children and their mothers face hostility and unsafe situations. Prayer, advocacy, and compassion are still needed. We must continue to increase the safety net for moms and babies, especially by supporting pregnancy resource centers, such as the Alexandrina Center, and maternity homes, such as the House of Hope, in our communities that provide love, compassion, and resources to women, children, and families.
Join us for Mass this weekend at 4:00 PM on Saturday, and 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
Our world is faced with issues that require changes. Sometimes necessary changes may seem impossible but the call of Christ to follow him can bring about healing and radical change. Join Fr Paul as he reflects on this weekend's Gospel.
This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
January Town Hall
This past Wednesday, Fr. Bob Kabat joined the monthly Town Hall series to discuss What Scripture Says About Divorce.
Ruby and Res
Ruby is warming up the guest seat for Katie and Tony's next podcast.
She'd like to be the next guest but there may be a bit of a communication barrier - unless everyone can speak dog.