This Little Light of Mine

"You are the light of the world. Your light must shine before others." ~Matthew 5
As disciples of Christ, we are called to be light in the darkness of the world. We are called to shine our light upon everyone.
But what does it mean to shine? The definition of shine is "to give out a bright light" and "to glow or be bright with reflected light." In the gospel this weekend, Jesus urges us to shine - to bring good deeds into the light for the world to see. We are to be a reflection of Christ's light so that others may follow as disciples.
We must shine our light upon those around us through our words and actions, even when it is difficult to shine or is easier to live in darkness. Throughout our daily lives, we have the option of sharing the light or hiding it away. The world is brightened through acts of goodness.
Lisa Petsche gives some ideas of ways to shine your light:
Spend quality time with the people you care about, giving them your full attention.
Talk less, listen more, and show empathy.
Be generous with praise and encouragement.
Smile often, including at strangers.
Look for the good in people and situations. Give others the benefit of the doubt.
Role model courteous behaviors — such as holding doors open for others — and praise your kids when they do likewise.
Donate possessions you don’t need to a charity.
Support Resurrection's Mission Outreach activities.
Watch for opportunities to show hospitality — to a new neighbor or a new family at church, for instance — and encourage your children to do the same, with a new student in their class, for example.
Volunteer in your community.
Help out people around you — family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, or fellow parishioners — who are going through a difficult time.
Keep a jar filled with special intentions on your kitchen table, and include these needs in your mealtime prayer.
Publicize your faith in your daily life. Wear a crucifix, post a Scripture verse above your desk, talk about your parish community and let people know when you are praying for them.
Reflect and Discuss:
How can your Church of the Home shine your light in world?
Where do you see the light shining through others?
Who in your life brings light to the world?
What are the bushel baskets that we place over our lights, such as fear, anger, envy, or insecurities?
Bishop's Appeal 2023

Please prayerfully consider a gift to the Bishop’s Appeal and join in Sharing the Light of Christ! The Bishop’s Appeal is the largest source of funding for Catholic Charities, it funds faith formation programs and leadership training. Your gift brings hope to people who desperately need it. Thank you for your generosity today and always. God bless you!
To make a gift contact Resurrection's parish office, use the letter and pledge you received at home, or visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at
Join us for Mass this weekend at 4:00 PM on Saturday, and 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
The most basic elements of the world are essential for life. We are exposed to salt and light every day but do we become salt and light to others? Jesus teaches us to be salt and light so we can become conductors of God's love. Join Rev Bridget as she reflects on this weekend's gospel.
This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)

Recent Loss in Our Parish Family

Parishioner Maureen Merkatoris and Parish Accountant Bill Campion's brother.


Ruby and Res
What dries as it gets wet?
A Towel!
And Ruby would like one right about now!!
