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Church of the Home for Saturday, February 11

Celebrating Marriage

Tomorrow we celebrate one of the sacraments and vocations the church uses to help us discern God's plan: Marriage. Every year on the second Sunday of February, World Marriage Day reminds us that marriage is more than a day or a ceremony. A marriage requires dedication and commitment that generates a lifetime of rewards.

Marriage is a commitment that takes a lot of work from both parties. No matter how many years a couple has been married, each person takes part in nurturing it. Many events during the life of a marriage can chip away at its foundation. Job stress, the economy, family obligations, and even basic household responsibilities create a complex balancing act. The Church’s commitment to Christ’s teaching on marriage does not imply insensitivity to the pain of the persons facing unhappy situations within their marriage. When divorce is the only possible recourse, the Church offers support to those involved and encourages them to remain close to the Lord through frequent reception of the Sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist.

Celebrate World Marriage Sunday with one or more of these ideas from the USCCB:

As a Couple

• Frame a copy of your wedding invitation or program if you still have it.

• Recall the friends and family who were a part of your wedding day. Who needs prayers? Who can you reach out to?

• Choose your favorite reading from your wedding. Pray Lectio Divina together, meditating on the Word of God which was proclaimed on your wedding day.

• Disconnect from your computers and phones to reconnect with each other for an evening.

• Prayerfully reread your wedding vows to each other. Take a moment to recommit yourself to the vows you made on your wedding day.

• Did you have a first dance at your wedding? Recreate that moment and dance together in your living room.

• Have a date night in. Get dressed up for dinner—look your best for your spouse! Go out or order takeout from your favorite restaurant. Bonus: Get the kids involved by having them act as your waiters and waitresses for your date night.

• Create a memory box together and then go on a treasure hunt to find little things that represent your relationship: old love letters, ticket stubs from date nights, dried flowers, memorabilia from your wedding day—if you do not have physical items, write down a favorite memory and put it into the box. Keep it in a special place to add more items and revisit later.

As a Family

• Look through your wedding album. Or, if you have it, watch your wedding video. Share stories from your wedding day with your children.

• Make a family timeline beginning with when you met or your wedding day up to the present. Add pregnancies/birthdays, family moves, vacations, new jobs, pets, etc. Anything that has impacted the life of your family.

• Get your crafting supplies out and make Valentine’s Day cards for everyone in the family. Tell each person something you love about them. Hang up the cards for everyone to see!

What's Your Love Language?

For couples, singles, teens, and children.

The premise of The 5 Love Languages is quite simple: different people with different personalities give and receive love in different ways. By learning to recognize these preferences in yourself and in your loved ones, you can learn to identify the root of your conflicts, connect more profoundly, and truly begin to grow closer.

Take the quiz to discover your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to better connect with your loved ones.


Bishop's Appeal 2023

To make a gift contact Resurrection's parish office, use the letter and pledge you received at home, or visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at

Join us for Mass this weekend at 4:00 PM on Saturday, and 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



We only have two choices on the road of discipleship, not a great multitude of choices like going down the cereal aisle at the grocery store. Do we say "Yes" or "No" to discipleship and to live the law of love? We are called to listen with our hearts and to love one another so we can answer "Yes" to God. Join Sr Marla as she reflects on this Sunday's gospel.


This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)




Recent Loss in Our Parish Family

Uncle of Michele Becker and Val Bourgeois

Former Resurrection Director Of Religious Education

Revealed Podcast

Episode 11 Now Available!

Deacon Bob Hornacek visits the Reavealed podcast to share the work of Paul's Pantry. Learn about the amazing work of Green Bay's free grocery store and how God reveals the sacred in the ordinary through this organization.




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Resurrection Catholic Parish  |  333 Hilltop Dr Green Bay, WI 54301   |   |   Tel: 920-336-7768

 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-3:00pm

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