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Church of the Home for Saturday, April 8

The cross of Christ stands empty on this Holy Saturday.

In stillness, earth awaits the Resurrection while Christ goes down to wake the dead.

We patiently wait for the joy of the Resurrection.

On Holy Saturday the Church waits at the Lord's tomb in prayer and fasting, meditating on his Passion and Death and on his Descent into Hell, and awaiting his Resurrection. This is the day between the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection. The Gospel accounts say that Jesus was hurriedly buried in a cave tomb after his crucifixion, with the intent to finish proper embalming and burial ceremonies after the Sabbath had ended, as the Sabbath prohibitions would have prevented observant Jews from completing a proper burial.

We do not celebrate Mass until after the sun sets. Then the time comes for paschal joys, the abundance of which overflows to occupy fifty days of the Easter season.

Holy Saturday is typically a day of preparation for Easter Sunday. Churches of the Home can dye Easter Eggs, a symbol of new life, in preparation for the celebration of new life in the Resurrection.

Also, a fun cookie to make tonight to eat tomorrow morning are Resurrection Cookies, a cookie that will help your Church of the Home get a "hands-on" Bible lesson.


This is the day the Lord has made;

let us rejoice and be glad.

Happy Easter

from your Resurrection Parish Family

May the Easter promise of Life Eternal and Love Everlasting

bring you blessings of love, joy, and life to the fullest.

Together as the people of the Resurrection, we rejoice!

Easter is the most sacred and joyful celebration for Christians – Jesus is risen from the dead! His death and glorious resurrection free us from sin and restore our place as sons and daughters of God. We have much to celebrate.

Today, voices from around the world join as one, as the Church resounds with a joyful “Alleluia.”

As you celebrate Easter, let this same joyful spirit carry over into everything you do. Consider decorating your home with greenery and flowers. Reach out to friends and loved ones. And be sure to set aside time to pray and joyfully celebrate Jesus’ triumph over sin and death. We have new life in him!


  • Jesus’ resurrection makes all things new! Start fresh by renewing your baptismal vows:

    • Do you reject Satan, all his works and all his empty promises?

    • Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?

    • Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?

    • Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?

  • St. Paul says that nothing can “separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:39). Do you believe that nothing can ever separate you from the love of God?

  • St. Paul exhorts us: “If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth” (1 Cor 5:6). How can you seek what is above and think of what is above each day?


Some of the Easter Water, the blessing of which takes place during the ceremonies at the church on Holy Saturday, should be brought home and regarded as a symbol of the family's renewal in Christ.

As the rooms are sprinkled, read this prayer:

Hear us, holy Lord and Father, almighty everlasting God;

and as you guarded the homes of the Israelites from the avenging angel on their flight from Egypt, if their homes were signed with the blood of a lamb--prefiguring our Easter sacrifice in which Christ is the victim--so likewise in your goodness send your holy angel to watch over and protect all who live in this home, to be with them and give them comfort and encouragement; through Christ our Lord.

Resurrection Catholic Parish Presents Day 3 of the 2023 Virtual Triduum Retreat. Reflect with Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson on Holy Saturday and Easter.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 8:00 on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



What are the miracles and wonders in your life? We can discover the movement of life to death to new life every day if we pay attention. Jesus teaches and shows us that life is marked by living, dying, and rising to new life. That is the miracle and wonder of Easter. Join Tony as he reflects on the Easter Gospel.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)



Resurrection's Health and Wellness Committee is sponsoring a collection for Wellspring, Freedom House, NEW Shelter, and House of Hope.

Items being collected:

Shampoo and conditioner

Nail polish, files, polish remover

Special lotions (Bath & Body, etc)

Hairbrushes and hair clips

Shower gel

Body spray

Women's deodorant

Shaving Supplies

Lip gloss




Ruby and Res

Someone is supposed to be helping decorate the church for Easter but is laying down on the job, all wrapped up.


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