Happy Valentine's Day
Most people celebrate St. Valentine’s with cards, candy, and flowers. However, February 14th was originally a feast day for St. Valentine.
But who was St. Valentine? There are actually three different men who went by the name Valentine. The most popular of the three was a priest who comforted persecuted Christians. He was martyred on February 14, 270.
There is less known about the other two Valentines. One was a bishop who was also beheaded under Emperor Claudius II; the third Valentine was martyred in Africa.
Later, various stories grew up around the devotion to St. Valentine, most notably that he helped Christian soldiers get married in spite of a law forbidding Roman soldiers from being married. This is one of the popular explanations for the feast day’s association with romantic love.
In 1969, the Roman Catholic Church removed St. Valentine from the General Roman Calendar, because so little is known about him. However, the church still recognizes him as a saint.
Regardless of the details of St. Valentine’s life, he was one of many Christians who valued Christ’s love even above their own lives. While it’s fun to celebrate friendship and romantic love on St. Valentine’s day, Christians believe that God’s selfless, generous, life-giving love is the standard by which all other forms of love are measured.
Activities to Celebrate Valentine's Day
Set aside time this weekend for everyone in your Church of the Home to write love letters and share what you love about the people closest to you.
Decorate the house with quotes about love from the Scriptures and from the saints, putting them on cut-out hearts or colored construction paper.
Make Valentine Buns - glazed, sweet yeast-raised buns with dried fruit and candied peel. Eaten on Saint Valentine's Day in parts of England. They can be shaped into a heart, sprinkled with red sugar, and decorated with red and white frosting.
Start the day with an Act of Love. The Act of Love is a traditional prayer that goes like this:
O Lord God, I love you above all things and I love my neighbor for your sake because you are the highest, infinite and perfect good, worthy of all my love. In this love I intend to live and die. Amen.
Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:oo on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 on Sunday, on www.gbres.org/live, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
Do we already live in an infinity beyond time?
How is the Gospel challenging you to live in God's love?
Join Steve as he reflects on this Sunday's Gospel reading.
Project Nazareth
This Weekend's Bulletin
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2022 Bishop's Appeal
Building Disciples of Christ: Catholic Charities
“Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others…”
The Joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis.
Jesus calls us to build people up, heal the broken, and bring love to everyone. Catholic Charities works with individuals, families, and communities to help them meet their needs and resolve their problems.
Catholic Charities is committed to bringing social services to people of all faiths and ethnicities. Thousands of individuals and families are helped each year throughout our 16-county diocese. Many have little or no health insurance. They offer programs and services in:
· Individual and Family Counseling
· Adoption, Pregnancy and Parenting Support
· Family Strengthening
· Financial Health
The counselors of Catholic Charities are disciples of Christ. Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal allows Catholic Charities to bring the love of Christ to those who need it the most. Make your gift today at www.catholicfoundationgb.org/give or contact the parish office.
February Town Hall
All Kids Are Our Kids:
The Rights and Responsibilities of Homeless Youth
Last week, Resurrection welcomed Andrea Pasqualucci, a social worker in the Ashwaubenon School District. She shared valuable information about youth experiencing homelessness.
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