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Church of the Home for Saturday, October 19

Updated: Oct 24, 2024

October is Respect Life Month.

Our faith calls us to embrace, proclaim, and defend all life. Every life is precious and must be loved and protected from conception until natural death. Every person is made in God's image. Everyone has a sanctity and dignity that cannot be diminished by illness or disability and cannot be limited by race, age, sex, or social condition. 

There are many threats to the life and dignity of a human being. Those threats include abortion, euthanasia, gun violence, terrorism, the death penalty and human trafficking. In addition, the lack of justice for the poor, the suffering of migrants and refugees, wars and famines around the world, racism, the need for greater access to healthcare and education, and care for our common home all threaten the dignity of the human person.

To combat threats against the life and dignity of a human being, we are called to advocate for policies protecting human rights, actively support vulnerable populations through community engagement, educate others about the importance of human dignity, speak out against injustices, and work to address root causes of systemic issues like poverty, discrimination, and violence; this can involve supporting organizations fighting for human rights, volunteering, engaging in political activism, and promoting empathy and understanding in personal interactions.

How can your Church of the Home work towards ensuring all life is respected?

Get involved! This will be dependent upon the ages in your Church of the Home, but getting involved with different organizations will expose all members to different living situations of people within your community. For example, volunteer at a homeless shelter, nursing home, soup kitchen, or with veterans. Your Church of the Home will see and hear many different examples of what it means to be human and that we all have value and worth.

Respect Life Novena

October 22 to October 30

The USCCB created a novena which prays for the protection of human life, from conception to natural death. Each day of the novena features a different pro-life prayer intention which is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.

Action Alerts

Visit the USCCB Action Center to view current action alerts and sign up for future alerts so that you can contact your elected representatives to express your concerns and opinions on upcoming legislation.


Join us for Mass this weekend
in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Where does the power we possess come from? While we know all power ultimately comes from God, our egos can distort our understanding of power. We are called to remember the purpose of power is to serve others, not ourselves. Join Steve as he reflects on this weekend's scripture readings.





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The Parish Lyceum will feature a variety of topics, guidelines, and relevant information to nurture the PIESS of our lives – physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social.





Ruby and Res

Ruby hopes her dad can get through the landmines of her toys when he finally comes back to his office.


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