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Church of the Home for Saturday, March 4

Welcoming All to the Table

Many times, families discuss their ancestry and roots at the dinner table. Stories of generations past are shared over meals and family traditions are passed on to future generations. The dinner table of today is connected to the dinner table of our grandparents.

The same is true about the Eucharistic table. Jesus was born, lived, taught, and died as a Jew. He was born to a Jewish mother, lived in the Jewish region of Galilee, worshiped in Jewish synagogues, and celebrated Jewish festivals. It is only natural that the roots of Christianity are planted firmly in the Jewish faith.

Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and first-century Jewish expectations in the Last Supper, which was a Passover meal. During this traditional Jewish meal, it is revealed that Jesus is the lamb of God, that in Christ there is a new covenant, and that we are to remember his sacrifice through communion. We are connected to the Last Supper and our Jewish heritage when we celebrate Mass. Let us remember and celebrate the Jewish roots of our faith.


Altar Setup

During the Lenten Season, Resurrection has families set the altar for each Mass.

This includes:

  • carrying in a bowl of incense

  • carrying in the altar table runner and putting it on the altar

  • placing the corporal (white napkin-like cloth) on top of the altar

  • lighting the candles next to the altar.

Are you be willing to help? Sign up using the link below and arrive 15 minutes early so we could show you where things are located and how to do everything.

Here is an example of a family setting the altar from a previous Mass so you can see what is involved:

Resurrection has planned numerous opportunities for you to experience as we gather around the Lenten Table. Learn more about all the Lenten resources Resurrection will be provided at our dedicated webpage:

On our daily Lenten journey with Jesus, we go to an “out of the way” place to encounter His presence in Scriptures, Haikus, Reality, and Prayer.

Daily Reflections by Roger Vanden Busch:


Each Lent, Catholic families across the country unite to put their faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through CRS Rice Bowl, families learn about how our sisters and brothers across the globe overcome hardships like hunger and malnutrition, and how through Lenten alms, we have the power to make the world a better place for all.


The changing climate has had an impact on lands in Honduras, but farmers are learning new techniques to water their crops, protect the natural resources and keep their families healthy.

Rony lives with his wife Reina and their two sons, Emilson, age 14, and Maynor, age 9, about two hours from Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras.

Like many children in Latin America, Emilson loves to play soccer. And when his parents asked him about his future, he didn’t hesitate to say he wanted to become a professional soccer player.

“We have to make an effort,” Reina told Rony. “I know that with God’s help, everything can be done.”

So, despite the distance and the expenses involved, Rony took a leap of faith and enrolled Emilson in a soccer academy in Tegucigalpa.

Rony is a farmer who grows corn, beans and bananas. But it’s hard to get good harvests working in the Dry Corridor—an area impacted by high temperatures and lack of rain. Droughts have become more frequent and storms stronger. “Nowadays, we don’t know when winter starts or when it ends,” explains Rony.

Determined to support Emilson’s dream, Rony participated in a Catholic Relief Services project, which helped him repair an old reservoir and install a low-cost irrigation system with pipes and hoses that uses very little water to grow his crops. He also learned to let the harvest residue rot—instead of burning the land—because the residue becomes the soil’s fertilizer.

Thanks to the watering system and his new skills, Rony can harvest his crops even if it doesn’t rain. His produce and income are now enough to feed his family, pay the soccer academy’s fees and help people in his community.

Today, Rony has even become an advocate for caring for the environment. And he feels it is his responsibility that others do too.

“I have learned a lot about how to take care of, value and protect the natural resources that the Lord has given us, such as water,” he says. “That’s the best way to guarantee the lives of our families and the animals.”


  • God created our world, and it is our responsibility to take care of it.

  • Why is caring for creation so important, and what is the impact—locally and globally—when we don’t care for it?

Don’t forget to try the meatless recipes each Friday during Lent.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:oo on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Along this Lenten journey, we encounter Jesus in the grand moments of beauty and in the quietness of ordinary life. We are invited to listen to him and follow him down the mountain with changed lives. Join Fr Paul as he reflects on the Transfiguration from this weekend's gospel.


Resurrection Parish Core Value Reflections

Prayer Service/Compassionate Action Sharing/Sacrificial Love Hospitality Learning Gratitude Resurrection's core values are what we believe. Roger Vanden Busch has written reflections on each of Resurrection's core values.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Recent Loss in Our Parish Family




Ruby and Res

Ruby is the master of playing Hide-And-Seek!

Or maybe Rusty isn't the best hider...


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