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Church of the Home for Saturday, June 11

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

As we return to the season of Ordinary Time, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity.

The Holy Trinity is engrained in our lives everyday but the church has created this feast for us to take time to contemplate who God in Three Persons means to us and to dive deeper into the mystery of the Triune God.

Pope Francis calls the Holy Trinity a "marvelous mystery of love and of light from which we come and toward which our earthly journey is guided." A mystery that isn't meant to be understood intellectually or to have a definitive answer but a mystery that is to be felt within our hearts and to be experienced through the revelation of God's love for all of us.

As Jesus told the disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, he calls us to unity. Unity to the Three Persons of God and unity to each other. Pope Francis emphasized this by saying “The beauty of the Gospel needs to be lived — unity — and witnessed to in the harmony among us, who are so diverse! And this unity, I dare say, is essential to Christians: it is not an attitude, a manner of speaking, no; it is essential, because it is the unity that is born from the love and the mercy of God, from the justification of Jesus Christ and from the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.”

Reflect on the Holy Trinity this weekend:

  • Is there a person of the Trinity that you have felt more connected to? Who do you pray to most often?

  • How does your understanding of the Trinity affect your relationship with God?

  • Why do you think its important that we know God in all his fullness of three-in-one?

  • What is the hareds part of the Trinity for you to understand?


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Join Fr. Tim as he reflects on this Sunday's Scripture readings and the simplicity of the mystery of the Holy Trinity.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Gauging the Spiritual Health

and Wellbeing of Our Community

A growing body of research substantiates the direct relationship between life satisfaction and spiritual well-being. This doesn’t surprise most of us. Yet as communities measure and index quality of life, spiritual health and wellness are not included among the set of key indicators.

Whatsoever You Do, Inc., in collaboration with Resurrection Parish and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, has launched an initiative to study this dimension in Northeast Wisconsin and engage people in conversation around the topic. We need to hear from you! A short three-minute survey is followed by an optional longer, fifteen-minute survey. Then, an in-person focus group opportunity at the Whatsoever You Do House of Hospitality will be available, again for those who opt-in.

Resurrection Parish will also sponsor conversations on these topics of spiritual health, as it links to the Pope’s call for synod conversations, later in June and July. More information will follow about those opportunities.

Complete the survey at


Confirmation Pen Pal Project

As part of their sacramental prep, this year's Confirmation students participated in the PenPal Schools project. Students connected with PenPals from across the world to create original projects. The goal is to build global awareness and collaboration skills by facilitating authentic, cross-cultural experiences. Each project stems from the student's understanding of Catholic Social Teaching.

Over the next few weeks, Resurrection will be sharing videos of the students explaining their projects. The first video is from Elle Ruggles.


Recent Loss in our Parish Family



Bucket List opportunity?

Have you ever felt a spiritual voice saying, “come walk the ground Jesus walked,” breathe life into the Gospels by experiencing the Holy Land?

Deacon Kevin and his wife JoDee have openings for 7 couples or 14 singles

to join their small group visiting the Holy Land in October.

If interested in more informationcontact the parish office or email Deacon Kevin at




Ruby and Res

Join Ruby in using Resurrection's new outdoor prayer box and library courtesy of Scout Edward Passel. Leave prayer intentions and borrow a book to grow in faith.


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