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Church of the Home for Saturday, January 11

From the Waters, I Will Rise

Baptism is the foundational sacrament in our faith, symbolizing the beginning of a new life in Christ. It is a joyous occasion that marks the entry into the Christian community. Through the waters of baptism, we become a member of the Body of Christ. This sacrament is not just a ritual but a profound spiritual transformation, signifying acceptance into the faith and the promise of God’s grace throughout life.

Our minds turn towards this sacrament because we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord this weekend. This feast day commemorates the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River Jordan and it marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.

When Jesus emerged from the waters of the Jordan River, He set an example of humility and obedience, marking the beginning of His mission to bring salvation to all.

For Churches of the Home, reflecting on the Baptism of the Lord is an opportunity to deepen our understanding of our own baptism. It reminds us of the importance of living out our baptismal promises, striving to follow Jesus’ example of humility and service to others. By renewing our baptismal promises, we have an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to live a life of faith, guided by the Holy Spirit.

In celebrating both personal baptisms and the Baptism of the Lord, Churches of the Home are called to renew our commitment to our faith. It is a time to reflect on the responsibilities that come with being baptized, such as nurturing one’s relationship with God, participating in the sacraments, and living a life of love and service. By doing so, we can grow stronger in our faith and support each other on our spiritual journeys, fostering a deeper connection with God and the Church community.

Reflect and Pray as a Church of the Home

  • Where did your Baptism take place? Do you ever visit that Church? Is that the same font that was used for your Baptism?

  • What was the date of your Baptism? Do you celebrate it every year?

  • Who was the minister of your Baptism (Priest/Deacon)? Say a silent prayer for him now.

  • What is your Baptismal name? Why were you given that name? What does that name mean?

  • What promises did your parents make on the day of your Baptism? Say a silent prayer for your parents.

  • Who were/are your godparents? Why were they chosen? What promises did they make? Say a silent prayer for them.

Live Out Your Baptismal Promises
  • Renew your promises: Renew your baptismal promises and spirit of fidelity. 

  • Pray: Thank God for the gift of baptism in your daily prayers. 

  • Set an example: Be a conscious example by volunteering, donating to charity, and making decisions based on faith or morality. 

  • Worship: Worship together with your faith family. 

  • Do devotions: Do devotions by yourself, with family, or in a group. 

  • Participate in events and sessions: Participate in faith offerings that help expand your faith knowledge. 

  • Do service projects: Do service projects by yourself, with family, or in a group.

  • Pray for others: Pray for friends, family, or neighbors. 

  • Seek and serve Christ: Seek and serve Christ in all people, loving your neighbor as yourself. 

  • Strive for justice: Strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. 


Join us for Mass this weekend
in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



In a world of social influencers and a culture that emphasizes individualism and self-promotion, how well is humility embraced? John the Baptist humbly acknowledged Jesus’s greatness and prioritized Christ over his own fame. We can learn from John the Baptist to step aside from ego for spiritual growth. Join Steve as he reflects on this weekend's scripture reading.





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Ruby and Res

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