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Church of the Home for Saturday, August 24

Saintly Mother and Son

Sainthood, it sometimes seems, runs in the family. One of the most famous parent-child saint pairs is St. Monica and St. Augustine. Next week, we celebrate this mother-and-son duo with two days of their respective feast days.

In 354, St. Monica gave birth to her son, Augustine. Despite her efforts to provide him with a Christian upbringing, Augustine was more interested in worldly pursuits such as pleasure, honor, and unconventional philosophies. Monica persistently prayed for Augustine during his rebellious phase, seeking assistance from Ambrose, the bishop of Milan. After introspection, Augustine embraced Christianity at the age of 31. He later became a bishop and a highly influential Doctor of the Church. Our knowledge of Monica primarily derives from Augustine's autobiographical work, Confessions.

Augustine’s writings, particularly “Confessions” and “The City of God,” have had a profound impact on Christian theology and Western philosophy. His work laid the foundation for much of medieval and modern Christian thought, especially his teachings on original sin, grace, and the Holy Trinity.

Celebrate St. Monica and St. Augustine in your Church of the Home
this Tuesday and Wednesday:

  • Saint Monica is known for her persistent prayers. Make soft pretzels – their form represents folded hands in prayer! Recipe here.

  • Monica is the patron saint of mothers: consider her feast a special mother’s day.  Do something nice for your mom. If she is in heaven, offer prayers and sacrifices on her behalf.

  • Pray, reflect, and journal on one of his most famous quotes: “You have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

  • Give each person a Bible. Ask them to randomly open to any page, as Augustine once did. Encourage a period of quiet meditation. Then go around the group asking each person to tell which words, verses, or longer passages spoke to them on the pages they opened to.

  • Spend some time in St. Augustine’s rich writings, like his Confessions or City of God.

  • Visit a brewery or pick up a six-pack of local craft beer because, kind of hilariously, St. Augustine is the patron saint of brewers!

Join us for Mass this weekend
in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Individuals like St. Francis of Assisi, Oscar Romero, and Mother Teresa made significant changes in their lives to serve others. But we don't all have to make the same radical changes as they did. Ordinary people can also make extraordinary choices. It is our choice to follow the path of Jesus and serve God. Join Tony as he reflects on this weekend's scripture reading.





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The Parish Lyceum will feature a variety of topics, guidelines, and relevant information to nurture the PIESS of our lives – physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social.





Parishioners Tim and Mary Doemel are also walking in honor of their son Tim Jr.

Resurrection would love to help get 12 members on their team as well.

Please consider joining Team TimJr.


Ruby and Res

Ruby blooming beautifully with the hydrangeas.


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