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Church of the Home for Saturday, August 17

International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief

On August 22nd, the UN urges us all to commemorate lives lost to acts of violence committed based on or in the name of religion or belief. There is a growing number and severity of religiously motivated violence globally. While we are free to practice our faith, that is not true in all parts of the world. In many cases, practicing a faith or belief is met with violence.

Recent headlines highlight the increasing religious persecution. One out of every three individuals is subjected to religious persecution. Among all faiths, Christians endure the most persecution, facing it in 143 countries. According to the BBC, Christian persecution in certain regions is nearing genocide levels. For instance, in Iraq, the Christian population has dwindled to less than 120,000 from 1.5 million in 2003.

Global persecution also impacts Muslims and Jews. Muslims experience persecution in 140 countries, while Jews face persecution in 87 countries.

Several nations impose restrictions on individuals with specific beliefs.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom identifies the majority of the world's most severe violators of religious freedom in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Countries with the highest religious restrictions include China, Iran, Russia, Egypt, and Indonesia. A few examples of persecution include:

  • In Syria, where there is the oldest Christian group, Islamic State (IS) has targeted Christians, Shia Muslims and Yazidis. There is forced conversion, a Christian tax, or death.

  • In Myanmar (Burma), a Buddhist state, Muslims are being herded into camps where they must live in horrific conditions and have been stripped of their citizenship. 150,000 have been affected.

  • In France, Muslims are targeted. Recently, a Muslim woman was stripped of some of her clothing by police because her attire was not respectful of “good morals and secularism”. Churches across France have also been vandalized.

  • Christians are persecuted and killed in Nigeria where several priests have been abducted and killed. In the Nigerian Middle Belt, Christian farmers are being killed by Fulani herdsmen, in a continuing battle over land that is decades-old. There is no Government intervention.

Some ways to observe the day include: 

  • Learning about different religions: Ask questions of friends or acquaintances with different beliefs, attend a service at a house of worship you wouldn't normally visit, or donate to a local mosque, church, or synagogue. 

  • Praying for those of other faiths 

  • Upholding the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion or belief 

  • Rejecting hate and exclusion 

  • Speaking out against hate and incitement to violence 

Prayer for Persecuted Christians:

Lord Jesus Christ, as the Good Shepherd,

You gave Your life for all people.

You have personally called each one of us

to serve suffering and persecuted Christians.

In them, You continue Your passion for the

redemption of the world.

It is a grace to carry the cross with them.

Grant us love, courage

and a readiness to sacrifice

so that we can aid and console

our brothers and sisters in faith.

Fill us with Your merciful love for one another,

that we may also bless

our enemies and forgive them.

Thus, we want to joyfully testify to Your presence

in the world and find fullness of life in You.


Join us for Mass this weekend
in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



We are what we eat. Don't miss the banquet of Christ's presence in various forms, which offers strength, mercy, and the promise of eternal life. We are invited to partake in the life, teachings, and love of Jesus, bringing us close to Him. Join Fr. Tim as he reflects on this weekend's scripture readings.





(click to read)



The Parish Lyceum will feature a variety of topics, guidelines, and relevant information to nurture the PIESS of our lives – physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social.





Parishioners Tim and Mary Doemel are also walking in honor of their son Tim Jr.

Resurrection would love to help get 12 members on their team as well.

Please consider joining Team TimJr.


Ruby and Res

There are two options when you are asked about the mess your toys are making:

close your eyes so you don't see it or

give the best puppy-dog eyes ever.



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