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Church of the Home for Holy Thursday 2023

The holiest, most sacred days of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum. From the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday, we celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection.

Though chronologically three days, the Triduum is liturgically one day unfolding for us beginning with the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper through the Good Friday of the Lord's Passion into the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the Easter Vigil.

Today is Holy Thursday, in which we celebrate a meal like no other. It is the day Jesus gathered with the apostles for the Last Supper. In that upper room with those closest to him, Jesus gave us three remarkable gifts:

  • the gift of priesthood

  • the gift of the Eucharist

  • the gift of a love that is stronger than even death.

During the Holy Thursday liturgy, we commemorate the moment when Jesus washed the feet of the apostles. We also participate in the first Eucharist, when Jesus transformed simple gifts of bread and wine into his Body and Blood. We join Jesus in giving generously of ourselves and humbly serving those around us.

In addition to today's liturgy at 7:00 PM, celebrate Holy Thursday through these actions within your Church of the Home:

  • Get a basin, towel and pitcher of water. Have each member of your Church of the Home wash another's feet. Discuss how Jesus humbly served those around him.

  • Holy Thursday is considered the “birthday” of the priesthood. Pause as a family to pray in a special way for Pope Francis, Bishop Ricken and Fr Tom.

  • The Holy Thursday liturgy usually ends in silence. Try to maintain this same spirit of silence in your home for the remainder of the evening. You may also consider praying the rosary from the family.

  • Today’s commemoration is called the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Jesus and his disciples celebrated a feast which included lamb and wine. In celebration of this special day, you may want to gather as a family to share a meal around your table tonight. Make your favorite food, use the family china, decorate the table and celebrate our Passover from death to eternal life. Remember, the Last Supper took place at a table just like yours.

  • Reflect:

    • Why do you think the Gospel of St. John recounts the washing of the feet and not the institution of the Holy Eucharist? How are the two connected?

    • Jesus said the greatest among you will be the servant of all. Do you believe that? How will you be great today? How can you serve others at home?

    • Who are those people who need our help the most?

    • Am I willing to get down on my own hands and knees and help those who are unable to help themselves?

    • What does the sacrament of the Eucharist mean to me?


Join us for Holy Thursday Mass tonight in person at 7:ooPM or online at, our YouTube channel, or our Facebook page.

Readings for Tonight's Mass


Virtual Triduum Retreats

Resurrection is offering three virtual reflections by Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson to help disciples reflect on the most sacred days in our Church year - The Easter Triduum.

Author and retreat leader, Dr. Nelson-Johnson works with faith communities across the country to design and conduct formation programs that encourage, affirm, and inspire.

He is the Resident Theologian & Animator of Faith

at Old St. Patrick’s Church in Chicago.


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