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Church of the Home for Saturday, November 12

The Winding Down of Another Year

With the drop in temperature and the snow flurries beginning, the turning of the seasons is evident. We can also feel the holiday season is just around the corner but so is a new church year, also called the liturgical year.

Next weekend marks the conclusion of the church year and we look forward to another year with the beginning of Advent the following weekend. The church is marked by the liturgical calendar. This calendar helps us celebrate and understand more fully the entire mystery of Jesus Christ, from his Incarnation and birth until his Ascension, the day of Pentecost, and the expectation of his return in glory.

The liturgical year is made up of six seasons:

  • Advent - "Jesus is coming"

    • four weeks of preparation before the celebration of Jesus' birth

  • Christmas - "Jesus is born and grows in wisdom & grace"

    • recalling the Nativity of Jesus Christ and his manifestation to the peoples of the world

  • Lent - "Jesus calls for conversion"

    • a six-week period of penance before Easter

  • Sacred Paschal Triduum - "Jesus suffers and dies for our salvation"

    • the holiest "Three Days" of the Church's year, where the Christian people recall the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus

  • Easter - "Jesus rises from the dead and ascends into heaven"

    • 50 days of joyful celebration of the Lord's resurrection from the dead and his sending forth of the Holy Spirit

  • Ordinary Time - "Jesus teaches and preaches the Good News of salvation"

    • divided into two sections (one span of 4-8 weeks after Christmas Time and another lasting about six months after Easter Time), wherein the faithful consider the fullness of Jesus' teachings and works among his people

Over the next few weekends, you may notice the colors of the church will change, especially Fr Tom's vestments. He'll trade in his green vestments for white and then purple. Don't be fooled, he's not turning from a Packer Fan to a Vikings Fan.

Each liturgical season has its own mood, meaning, and type of prayer. Each color has its own meaning and feeling and can be seen worn or hung throughout the church during specific times of the year. The color for each day corresponds to that day's main liturgical celebration.


The Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA Triannual National Collection Serving Those Who Serve

Every three years, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops authorize a nationwide collection on or near Veterans’ Day in November for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services. The AMS relies solely on private donors in support of its mission “serving those who serve” and its ministry to provide the same pastoral care and services to Catholics serving in all six branches of the US Armed Forces, enrolled in Military Academies, or undergoing treatment at any of the VA Medical Centers.

In addition, our Diocese of Green Bay currently “loans” Fr. Michael Dory and Fr. Matt Faucett to the AMS as active chaplains; Fr Patrick Costello is scheduled for active duty sometime in 2024.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of this collection and the people it serves and may we continue to work for peace and justice in our world so that war and armed conflict might never take another life.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



Many things we cherish in this world will not last forever. How do we continue to sing out when we experience suffering and losses? We cling to the love of God, which is eternal. Join Rev Bridget Flad Daniels as she reflects on this weekend's gospel.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Trail Clean Up

Resurrection adopted the Fox River Trail between Lazarre Ave & Marine St. and the generations of the Resurrection Parish Family gathered together to maintain the beauty of the trail. This last clean-up of the season was entitled "The Battle of the Katies!" It was Katie McAllister versus Katie Ahearn and their respective teams! All in good fun of course!




Ruby and Res

The best thing about GOD, beyond learning about scripture,

is being with parish pals!



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