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Church of the Home for Saturday, July 16

Are You a Mary or a Martha?

This question has been asked many times throughout Christian history. But this is a dangerous question. If we ask ourselves if we are acting more like Mary or Martha, we are missing the message Jesus was teaching us. This Gospel is not about pitting sister against sister or downplaying the importance of service or hospitality. It is about attentiveness.

Jesus calls us and our Churches of the Home to be attentive to him and to each other. We are to serve and we are to be in relationship. We are to work hard and to sit still. The story of Mary and Martha is not one of either/or but of both/and.

How does your Church of the Home find balance in leading a Mary way of life and a Martha way of life?

How is your Church of the Home attentive to each other, to others you meet, and to God?

How do you find those Mary moments when the world expects Martha busyness 24/7?


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



There is importance in finding the right combination of service and conversation. Providing nourishment and an ear to listen make up the radical hospitality we are called to participate in. Join Sr Marla as she reflects on the lessons of Mary and Martha from this Sunday's Scripture reading.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Confirmation Pen Pal Project

As part of their sacramental prep, this year's Confirmation students participated in the PenPal Schools project. Students connected with PenPals from across the world to create original projects. The goal is to build global awareness and collaboration skills by facilitating authentic, cross-cultural experiences. Each project stems from the student's understanding of Catholic Social Teaching.

Adian Burich's Project: The Oceans

Kaylie Engebose's Project: The Endangered Life of Vaquitas

Gracie Grzesk and Anna Clancy's Project: Saving the Oceans


Recent Losses in our Parish Family




Invitations were sent late last week. If you do not receive your invite by the end of this week, please contact the parish office.




Ruby and Res

Ruby travels back in time to learn about an ancient invention - the phone book!


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