Secret to Happiness

Jesus gave us a map to holiness and happiness, as we will hear in this weekend's gospel. The Beatitudes, which translates to happiness, are his gift to us so that we may walk the path toward him and find true happiness. They are the heart of Jesus' preaching and show us the actions, attitudes, and characteristics of the Christian life. When we strive to live a life led by the Beatitudes, we grow in holiness and happiness, and that is where love and God reside.
It's not always easy to follow this map. Challenges and obstacles will arise on our journey to happiness. We need God's grace and our own self-discipline. Bishop Donald Kettler helps us reflect on the meaning of the Beatitudes:
• Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God:
The path to holiness requires focusing less on wealth and material things, and giving more time and attention to the most important things in life — God, our families and the needs of others, especially the poor.
• Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth:
Are we humble? Are we patient with the faults and limitations of others?
• Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted:
Do we show compassion (from the Latin word meaning to “suffer with”) to people we encounter who are experiencing illness or sorrow? Do we pray for them and offer our assistance?
• Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled:
Do we desire and work for justice on behalf of society’s most vulnerable people — the unborn, the immigrant, the marginalized and the abandoned? Are we good stewards of the Earth?
• Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy:
Do we truly do to others as we would have them do to us — forgiving them for wrongs they have committed against us, and seeking forgiveness from those we have hurt?
• Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God:
Holiness requires cultivating a heart in love with God and our neighbor. Do we reject cynicism and allow truth and charity to guide our thoughts and actions?
• Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God:
Do we sow peace in our relationships, steer clear of gossip, and treat everyone with respect?
• Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven:
Sometimes being a Christian requires us to be counter-cultural, to make the right choice, not necessarily the popular choice. Are we willing to endure opposition and even ridicule because of our faith?
The Chosen Scene: Jesus Gives the Beatitudes
The following scene is from the TV series The Chosen.
In this scene, Jesus brings Matthew to his side to compose the Beatitudes. As they stand upon a hillside and look down into their camp Jesus begins to recite these powerful words for Matthew to transcribe. While Jesus speaks looking down upon his followers, the screen flashes to scenes of each of his disciples, which depict an image of one of the Beatitudes.
The Beatitudes for Churches of the Home
adapted from Tom McGrath
Blessed are the Churches of the Home that live simply, for they will taste the joys of living in God's Kingdom.
Blessed are the Churches of the Home that make time and space for each other to mourn life's sorrows and losses, for they will receive God's comfort and consolation.
Blessed are the Churches of the Home that humbly receive life's gifts rather than grasp at power and possessions, for they will discover they have been given everything they need.
Blessed are the Churches of the Home that nurture a hunger and thirst for fairness so that others will know the justice of God's ways.
Blessed are the Churches of the Home where mercy is abundant and forgiveness is given freely so that God's mercy will be readily available to all.
Blessed are the Churches of the Home that grounds life in God and avoids temptation, for God will shine his face upon them.
Blessed are the Churches of the Home that create peace at home, school, work, the community, and the world, for they will be God's very own.
Blessed are the Churches of the Home that strengthens one another, encourages compassion, and desires to do good despite life's blows and setbacks, for they help bring about the Kingdom of God.
Join us for Mass this weekend at 4:00 PM on Saturday, and 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
Do we believe that someone who lacks one thing, lacks everything? Through the Beatitudes, Jesus teaches us that life's value comes from what we pursue, not what we have. Blessed are they who continue to seek more.
Join Steve as he reflects on this weekend's gospel.
This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)

Welcome to the Newest Members
in Our Family of Faith

Recent Loss in Our Parish Family

Revealed Podcast

Episode 10 Now Available!
Storyteller, Religious Educator, and Friend of Tony, Betty Manion shares her experiences of storytelling and leading youth during service trips. Laughter and tears flow as Betty joins Katie and Tony in finding where God reveals the sacred in the ordinary.

Ruby and Res
While Fr Tom was in Florida, Ruby got to stay with her buddies Carol and Rusty.
Carol's favorite time of the two weeks?
Puppy Naptime!
