Turning Toward Moments of Grace
Every saint’s life is marked by moments when God’s grace was upon them. The saints teach us to embrace these moments and to allow them to change our minds and hearts.
This Lent, Resurrection turns toward Moments of Grace — moments of God’s presence bringing peace, blessing, and a sense of connection.
As we journey through this season of Lent, it is important to remember that every moment is an opportunity for grace. We can find these moments in the smallest of things — kind words, gentle gestures, moments of stillness. It is in these moments that we can feel God’s presence and be reminded of his love for us. Let us embrace these moments of grace and allow them to transform us into better versions of ourselves. May we be open to the ways in which God is working in our lives and may we always be grateful for God’s constant presence.

Parish Mission 2024
Parish Mission 2024

How Great Thou Art: Parish Mission 2024 - Sunday, February 18

Day 2 of How Great Thou Art: Parish Mission 2024 - Monday, February 19

Day 3 of How Great Thou Art: Parish Mission 2024 - Tuesday, February 20

Join Resurrection for these important liturgies
and prayer experiences,
in person or online at www.gbres.org/live
Holy Thursday
Thursday, March 28
7:00 PM
Good Friday
Friday, March 29
1:00 PM
Abbreviated service at 7:00 PM
Easter Vigil
Saturday, March 30
8:00 PM
Easter Sunday
Sunday, March 31
8:30 AM & 10:30 AM
The Resurrection Steps of Our Spiritual Journey
February 22 - March 7
8:45 AM or 6:30 PM
Focus on your spiritual life this Lent! Join Roger Vanden Busch for a study of and reflection on the guidelines of spirituality, towards a mature and healthy spirituality, the pursuit of one’s spiritual literacy, and a sharing in a discussion of selected quotations from spiritual writers.
Taize Prayer
February 26 - March 18
6:30 PM
Rest in God through the singing of simple chants, interspersed with periods of silent reflection, sacred scripture, and intercessory prayer.
Stations of the Cross
March 15 & 22
4:30 PM
Each week will feature a different way to pray the Stations.
February 19 - March 18
8:35 AM
Pray the traditional, scriptural-based Stations of the Cross after daily Mass.
Lenten Reconciliation Service
Tuesday, March 12
6:30 PM
Celebrate an encounter with the reconciling love and healing graces of our Lord. Opportunity for individual confessions available.
Lenten Resources
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