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Saturday, February 5

Called to the Joy of Love

Next Monday begins National Marriage Week. Regardless of whether you're leading a vocation of married life, single life, or religious life, all of us have benefitted from the sacrament of marriage. This upcoming week is an opportunity for us to focus on supporting and promoting marriage and the family.

The vocation to marriage is a call to a life of holiness and service within the couple’s own relationship and in their family. As a particular way of following the Lord, this vocation also challenges a couple to live their marriage in a way that expresses God’s truth and love in the world.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:oo on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



A Fisher Of Men

Join Fr. Paul as he reflects on this Sunday's Scriptures readings.

Are we followers of Christ, are we open to hearing the voice of the Lord?

Let your will be done not mine.


Project Nazareth

This is an initiative that will deliver weekly resources to Churches of the Home. These resources will give suggestions for how to Pray, Listen, Act and Ponder with a given topic throughout the course of each week. Project Nazareth will explore the fundamental Gospel message of the Sunday Mass and other special topics such as the Year of the Eucharist.

This is a way to weave faith formation into the fabric of family life.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


2022 Bishop's Appeal

What is the Bishop's Appeal?

The Bishop's Appeal is a stewardship opportunity for each of us to reach out to thousands of people in search of Jesus' love. Each gift given supports the ministries of the Diocese of Green Bay which serve our parishes, Catholic schools, and communities. Your gift truly helps bring the heart and hands of Christ to our children, young adults, families and neighbors here in northeastern Wisconsin.

Why Give to the Bishop’s Appeal?

Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal will help in countless ways. Care ministers are trained to go out and share the Gospel with the homebound and sick. Children and families are able to attend lively, interactive education programs learning the Word of God. A young woman in an abusive relationship is able, through counseling with Catholic Charities, to stand on her own feet. Families seeking to adopt are connected with newborn babies. Your gift to the Bishop’s Appeal makes happy endings possible.

91-93% of every dollar raised goes to Diocesan ministries and services right here in northeast Wisconsin.

Make a tremendous difference and give to the Bishop’s Appeal. How much you give is less important than the spirit in which you give. Even small donations add up to large donations. To make a gift today, contact the parish office or visit the Bishop’s Appeal website at




Recent Losses in Our Parish Family



How do we know Peter

was a rich fisherman?

By his net income.


Ruby and Res

"What do you mean I'm making a snow angel wrong?"


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