Quick and Easy Ways to Make Mealtime Prayer More Meaningful

One of the easiest ways to pray as a Church of the Home is at mealtime. Mealtime prayers help us stay close to God as we ask for, and acknowledge, His blessings as He gives us “our daily Bread” as we say in the Lord’s Prayer.
Each person in your Church of the Home has a particular form of prayer that’s most meaningful to them. Honor that by letting each individual choose a different prayer for the meal at least once a week and have some fun with it. Here are just a few ideas:
Sing the traditional Grace Before Meals prayer—improvise the melody.
Say a prayer chain—go around the table and let each person tell God something he or she is thankful for that day.
Read a passage from Scripture—don’t worry about having to add anything to it. Let the verse be the prayer.
Take 15 seconds of total silence, letting each family member pray to himself or herself. You may be amazed at how powerfully prayerful a pause can be!
Move the prayer from before the meal to after the meal. Simply changing when you say the prayer can help people focus more on the act of praying.
By mixing up the ways you pray at the table, you can ensure that the mealtime prayer will stay meaningful.
Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:oo on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 on Sunday, on www.gbres.org/live, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.
How can prayer help us see beyond what we know?
Join Sr. Marla as she reflects on this Sunday's Scripture readings.
Project Nazareth

This Weekend's Bulletin
(click to read)
2022 Bishop's Appeal

Sharing Faith from Around the World
With little water, minimal electricity, and no money, the people of our Eliás Piña mission in the Dominican Republic have abundant faith. In this land of poverty, many people do not have the resources to find a job or the ability to attend Mass. The mission in Eliás Piña helps provide necessary resources by attending to the physical and spiritual needs of these communities.
Although you may not be able to physically travel to the Dominican Republic to help these communities, your support of the Bishop's Appeal can share our faith with them from across the globe. Think about sharing the abundance of your gifts with others by giving a gift to the Bishop's Appeal.
If you have not made a gift to the Bishop's Appeal, please prayerfully consider the impact it would have on our parishes and communities and make a gift today at www.catholicfoundationgb.org/give. For more information, contact the parish office or call Tammy toll-free at 877-500-3580, ext. 8123.


How did the Catholic cowboy greet his priest for confession?
“Howdy, pardoner!”
Ruby and Res
I guess that's one way to clean a washcloth.
