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Church of the Home for Saturday, September 24

Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees

Tomorrow, September 25, is the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. It is always an occasion to express concern for different vulnerable people on the move; to pray for them as they face many challenges; and to increase awareness about the opportunities that migration offers.

“Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees” is the theme chosen by Pope Francis. He reminds us of our commitment to share in building a future that embraces God’s plan, leaving no one behind.

Pope Francis says "The ultimate meaning of our “journey” in this world is the search for our true homeland, the Kingdom of God inaugurated by Jesus Christ, which will find its full realization when he comes in glory. His Kingdom has not yet been brought to fulfillment, though it is already present in those who have accepted the salvation he offers us. God’s Kingdom is in us."

He continues, "No one must be excluded. God’s plan is essentially inclusive and gives priority to those living on the existential peripheries. Among them are many migrants and refugees, displaced persons, and victims of trafficking. The Kingdom of God is to be built with them, for without them it would not be the Kingdom that God wants. The inclusion of those most vulnerable is the necessary condition for full citizenship in God’s Kingdom."

As a Church of the Home, how can you celebrate the inclusion of all into the Kingdom, especially the migrants and refugees? Here are a few action items you can incorporate into your home:

  1. Learn the story of migrants today – Many of us are connected in some way to the life of an immigrant whether in our own family, a friend, coworker, or fellow parishioner.

  2. Participate in advocacy for the rights of migrants and refugees by speaking out or contacting government officials to encourage them to support laws and policies that promote the dignity of migrants and refugees. Learn more at:

  3. Give up your favorite comfort item or luxury good for a week and think about how hard it is for those who have to give up everything they have in order to migrate to another country.


Lord, make us bearers of hope,

so that where there is darkness,

your light may shine,

and where there is discouragement,

confidence in the future may be reborn.

Lord, make us instruments of your justice,

so that where there is exclusion, fraternity may flourish,

and where there is greed, a spirit of sharing may grow.

Lord, make us builders of your Kingdom,

together with migrants and refugees

and with all who dwell on the peripheries.

Lord, let us learn how beautiful it is

to live together as brothers and sisters. Amen.

Rome, Saint John Lateran, 9 May 2022

Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



The world is filled with peace and harmony but also stress and conflict. These attributes of the world are actually a reflection of what lies within our souls. As we listen to the parables of Jesus, we have an opportunity to realize that all the characters he speaks about live within us. Which character within us do we pay more attention to? Join Steve Meyer as he reflects on this weekend's Gospel.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


Town Hall Series 2022:

What Does Scripture Say About...

An Overview of the Bible

Last Wednesday, Resurrection hosted the first Town Hall of the year. Our guest was Tom Bolin, Ph.D., professor of Theology and Religious Studies at St. Norbert College.

Unfortunately, we ran into a few technical hiccups but we were able to capture a major of the content.



Welcome the Newest Members of Our Parish Family

Bonus Picture:
Miles receiving his baptismal blanket knitted by the Prayer Shawl Ministry

Be Like Jesus - Live Like Jesus Promotional Video




What do you get

if you eat too much

apple pie?

Autumn-y ache.


Ruby and Res

Ruby is ready to go for a ride. She just doesn't know how to start the magic carpet's motor.



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