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Church of the Home for Saturday, May 7

Happy Mother's Day

In our celebration of Mother's Day tomorrow, we thank all the moms who gave us life and show sacrificial love to us. Motherhood is a vocation - how God calls individuals to serve Him in the world - and is expressed in many different forms, both physical and spiritual. We have Godmothers, aunts, sisters, friends, work moms, teachers, etc. Anyone who has taught us life lessons, inspired us, and cared for us is a mother.

  • What is one quality your mother gave you that you now carry into your life?

  • Who are the mothers that have shaped your life?

  • To whom are you a mother?

As Catholics, we also look to Mary as our Heavenly Mother and the perfect example of Mother. She is the mother entrusted to all of us by Christ at his crucifixion.

A Mother's Day Blessing

Loving God,

as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children,

so you give life and care for your Church.

Bless these women, as we celebrate this day in their honor.

May they be strengthened as mothers.

Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.

Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor and appreciate them with a spirit of profound respect.

May the example of Mary, mother of Jesus, inspire them to live their vocation as mothers. Guide and protect them in challenging times and help them to continue to trust in you all the days of their life.

Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


JJ Heller, a popular Christian recording artist, has released a beautiful song as a tribute to her mom and you’re going to want to share with your own mom this Mother’s Day. Too often we don’t realize what a gift our parents have been to us until we are living on our own or when we have kids of our own. It is then that we finally begin to understand the many sacrifices our moms and dads made for our benefit.

Not only does this song help us to appreciate all that our own mothers have done for us, but it also helps those who are mothers themselves reflect on what it really means to be called “Mom”. Reflect on the following questions.

  • How have your own parents influenced your parenting style?

  • What will your son or daughter remember about you?

  • Do you see your role as a mom as a calling and a vocation?

  • How do you show your child the love of Jesus each and every day?

  • What are your greatest struggles as a mother?

  • What are your greatest blessings because of motherhood?

The life of a mom is full of sacrifice and hard work, but Christ is our model of what it means to give of oneself for the good of another. Learn to appreciate the many blessings and joys that come with the gift of motherhood. Offer each day to God and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in your vocation.


Important Security Update

This weekend, the church doors will be locked as Mass begins for the safety of everyone attending Mass.

If you are running late, please enter through the main church doors.


Join us for Mass this weekend in person at 4:00 PM on Saturday, 8:30 or 10:30 AM on Sunday, on, our YouTube channel, and our Facebook page.



I am the Good Shepherd.

My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow my voice.

Join Fr. Tim as he reflects on this Sunday's Scripture readings.




This Weekend's Bulletin

(click to read)


EPH Collection

Spring 2022 Wish List

Household Items

Laundry Baskets

Laundry Detergent

Cleaning Supplies – Any kind

Toilet Paper

Paper Towel



Bath Towels

Wash Cloths

Full Sheet Sets


Box Fans

Liquid Hand Soap

Smoke/CO2 Detector Combos (10 Year Battery)

Children’s Items

Rainboots – Any size/color

Sidewalk Chalk

Jump Ropes


Outdoor Games

Twin Sheet Sets



Habitat for Humanity is Hiring

Are you interested in not only loving what you do but also why you do it? The Greater Green Bay Habitat for Humanity ReStore is a unique retail outlet where customers can purchase new and gently used items at excellent prices. Funds from the ReStore help Habitat for Humanity build homes, communities, and hope in Brown County. We also help keep millions of pounds of unwanted merchandise out of our landfills.

Job Purpose: This position is responsible for picking up merchandise (with pre-scheduled appointments), safely and efficiently packing the merchandise in the ReStore truck, returning to the ReStore, and unpacking/unloading merchandise.

Contact Habitat for Humanity Restore with any questions at 920-338-1650.



Why are computers

so smart?

They listen to their motherboards.


Ruby and Res

Ruby must have reached her teenage years - she's focused on looking at a cell phone.


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Resurrection Catholic Parish  |  333 Hilltop Dr Green Bay, WI 54301   |   |   Tel: 920-336-7768

 Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30am-3:00pm

©2024 by Resurrection Catholic Parish

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